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A Level English Language Paper 2 World Englishes SoL

A scheme of work based upon World Englishes and English as a global language. Useful for A Level English Language Paper 2. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

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Mark Scheme on one page: paper 2 Q3

AQA English Language A Level AOs and levels on one sheet for paper 2 question 3 'Analyse how language is used in text A and text B to present views about ...'.  VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 264 times.
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SoW for Language and Occupation

This is a scheme created from a range of resources - some knabbed ideas, some text book stuffs, some language and power from days gone by.  There are also some bits from a booklet we have at the... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 419 times.
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World English reading/discussion task

A recent article about a "deluge" of English terms, many Covid-related, that are entering the Greek language. Followed by five questions which are designed to get students thinking about attitude... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 302 times.
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Carols through time (diachronic change)

This is my 'go to' Christmas lesson for Y13 English Language. Please note, it does require some understanding of the key features of Middle and Early Modern English (more so the latter) but could prob... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 131 times.
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Accent bias

A PP on accent bias and identity for A Level Language VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 412 times.
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Multiethnolects and urban language

A PP for A Level Language on ethnolects, urban dialects and more.  VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 371 times.
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Texting and language learning

A reading handout for A level Language students on texting. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 197 times.
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Language Variations- Labov & Trudgill

A PP used in remote learning/online teaching (so reading/content heavy), mostly on Labov and Trudgill but with others such as Giles, Bernstein etc. Social class/ regional. Sociolinguistics. A Level La... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 370 times.
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Language and Technology- Baron

A handout on Dennis Baron, A Better Pencil (2009) for AQA A level Paper 2 Language Change (technology).  VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 306 times.
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Language and Technology- McCulloch

A handout for students on Gretchen McCulloch's (2019) Because Internet for A Level Language. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 252 times.
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Language and Technology- Seargeant

A little PowerPoint summary of Philip Seargeant's The Emoji Revolution (2019).  VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 246 times.
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Variations Quiz

A revision quiz for AQA A Level Language Paper 2. Good for a starter.  VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 327 times.
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Types of Language Change

Gives examples of aspects of English which have changed over time. Includes a practice Q3 style task using podcasts as texts.  VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 424 times.
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Reasons for Language Change

Runs through lots of reasons for language change including the views of Crystal, Trask, Lerer, Hitchings, Goodman, Fairclough, Lane Greene, Aitchison, McWhorter, Chen, Bailey, Deutscher, Eckert and Ca... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 387 times.
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Attitudes to Language Change

Covers prescriptivism and descriptivism, the role and history of dictionaries of English, Deborah Cameron's Verbal Hygiene and a practice question. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 354 times.
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A Level Language Change: Attitudes, Why, and How.

This has been my pet project since August! Lots of reading went into it. It's a mammoth presentation split into three main sections: 1) attitudes (prescriptivism, descriptivism, dictionaries, verbal h... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 556 times.
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Johnson Dictionary Examples

A worksheet with a selection of words and definitions from Samuel Johnson's dictionary, and space for A Level students to make notes about patterns, quirks and changes they spot.  VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Downloaded: 97 times.
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Middle English Glossary

Middle English word list- a selected range showing change in spellings and meanings.  VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Downloaded: 79 times.
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Old English glossary

Select list of Old English lexis showing a range of spelling patterns and letters alongside modern equivalent.  VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Downloaded: 85 times.
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Language Change John McWhorter Standard English

A summary of McWhorter's ideas on standard Englishes and language change from his Word on the Street: Debunking the Myth of 'Pure' Standard English. Includes some dual coding of his main theory as wel... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 238 times.
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Recognising the legacy of Latin in the English language

For teachers of A Level language (OCR, AQA), and the Language Change component. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA, OCR

Downloaded: 151 times.
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Two lessons on Pragmatics

Two PowerPoints with resources on pragmatics: Grice's maxims and scheme; Politeness and Face VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change, Additional resources

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 234 times.
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Spoken Language - definitions and the IPA

Two lessons plus resources on phonetics and the IPA, and prosody and sound iconicity.There are linked videos in the second PowerPoint so you'll need to enable content VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 169 times.
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AAVE (distance learning lesson)

This is my distance learning powerpoint on AAVE (I split it into 3 parts then used screencast-o-matic to record over it - so the voice comments are missing here). Included are also the transcript... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 109 times.
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Idiolect Project: Good Transition task from Yr11 to 12

This Word document takes students through a range of tasks to investigate their own language fingerprint.  I've used this for Transition tasks for those starting Yr12 English Language. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change, Additional resources

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 240 times.
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World Englishes Student Booklet - Lessons or Independent

A booklet containing all the information for World Englishes unit. Includes links to videos, online courses and quizzes. Students should be able to completely independently on the whole so a... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 477 times.
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Language, Gender and Heteronormativity

An epic PP for Year 12s (A Level Language) about:Simone de BeauvoircodificationperformativityJudith ButlerdiversityDeborah Cameronidentitiessocial binariesRobert Podesvafalsetto and vocal fryPolariPau... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 560 times.
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Pamela Fishman Gendered Language theory

Lesson on Pamela Fishman's theory on gendered language, including:the s**twork/ active maintenancethe art of conversationher dataconversational power and dominancemen more controlling e.g. interruptio... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 331 times.
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Dale Spender Gendered Language theory

Lesson on Dale Spender, including:Man Made Languagewaves of feminismpatriarchal orderpower system/ oppressionminus male/ deviation VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 1: Language, the individual and society, Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 305 times.
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Deborah Tannen gendered language theory

Lesson on Tannen's difference ideas for Year 12 A Level Language, including:rapport/reporthyperlink to her talkingsocial conditioningsocial hierarchyareas of gendered language differencecross-cultural... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 285 times.
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Robin Lakoff

Year 12 A Level Language lesson on Robin Lakoff's language and gender theory:social conditioningdeficit marked and unmarkedderogation/deteriorationquotes from her bookrestrictions on language VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 302 times.
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A Level English Language - Language Change: lexical and semantic change using Merriam-Webster resource

A lexical and semantic change unit for Language Change in A Level English Language, using the Merriam-Webster dictionary's Time Traveler resource. Good for independent learning. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 222 times.
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A level Language. Summary of Gender Theories

Summary of Gender Theories. Early ones! VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 391 times.
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Language Change 3 - processes and World English

With thanks to L. Dyer for the World English stuff - this was awesome.  I've adapted other resources from kind souls who have shared, so not all my own. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 465 times.
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Language change 2 - control and standardisation

A series of lessons on the sub-topic of control in the language change element of the Paper 2.  Includes a link to an hour long lecture by Peter Trudgill from Leeds Uni (2017). VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 357 times.
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Language change 1 - The How and Why

The start of the unit.  I start with a look at migration and the influences on the English Language including a discussion on why Latin, German, French have so much influence on our language.&nbs... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 419 times.
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Pragmatics theory for conversation

A resource for teachers for teaching pragmatics and spoken language:Speech Act TheoryExchange Structure theory and classroom talkFrame and Schema VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 220 times.
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Range of different transcripts

A range of different transcripts many scanned from text books.  They don't look pretty but they can be used. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change

Topics: Language diversity and change

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 187 times.
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Old Old English Language A Papers on spoken language

These are from the old old spec!  But there are some useful transcripts in here for example: Doctor - patient; students; friends; job interviews.These can be adapted for more relevant specs. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 2: Language diversity and change, Exam practice & revision

Topics: Language diversity and change, Language discourses

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 155 times.
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