I print these as A3 and laminate them so that students can 'help themselves' to the additional support if they need it. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Set Exam Texts (Novels), Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Key extracts for teaching/printing. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Key extracts for teaching/printing. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Key extracts for teaching/printing. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
PowerPoint of key extracts for teaching/printing. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Supportive resource used with my students to help them develop their independent answers for English Literature. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
A quiz on context and the staves VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Two quizzes with answers:Quiz 1: match the opening lines to the poem.Quiz 2: guess which line of imagery the poem is from.Enjoy :) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
GCSE Literature - A poster with an Unseen Poetry Memonic and plan for Paper 2 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
GCSE Literature - A poster with an Unseen Poetry Memonic and plan for Paper 2 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
A guided reading and analysis sheet which explores the introduction of The Cratchit Family in 'A Christmas Carol'. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
I just spent over an hour going through the play and making this, so hopefully it also helps someone else :) and saves you an hour! VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Print on A3.This sheet helps students revise the themes and main characters in A Christmas Carol. For characters, students need to give an overview of the character and then find five character quotes... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
Suggested exemplar AQA Jun 18 Macbeth essay. Feedback welcome. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Used to help a student catch up, so only has key quotations from each scene and key questions. There's also a summary of each scene as well. Might be useful as a starting point for a scheme of work or... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Used to help a student catch up, so only has key quotations from each scene and key questions. There's also a summary of each scene as well. Might be useful as a starting point for a scheme of work or... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
Memes on An Inspector Calls- can be used for display or with students. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Jekyll and Hyde Memes to use for display or with students. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Memes for Macbeth- for display or use with students. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Freely accessible audio recordings of GCSE poetry for all Edexcel clusters (including IGCSE) by ex-BBC Broadcaster. Useful to help students embed sound, rhythm, vocabulary and quotations. Click on the... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Plot summary of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
There are many variations of this type of resource, but this one promotes the importance of the elusive AO4. It can be argued that AO4 is at the heart of a successful essay, although it awards the lea... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Paper 2, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
Revision: ppt showing how each question addresses the AOs - Papers 1 and 2 Lit VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
Macbeth key quote booklet in Act/Scene order with brief analysis/explanation. This has been adapted from free resources. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Key quotes in stave order with brief analysis/explanation. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Using a variety of sources, I have created a knowledge organiser for each of the poems to support with revision. You are welcome to use them or edit them to suit your own needs.**I haven't finished Ti... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
I have created a character summary sheet for each character to help support students with revision. These are aimed at higher ability students and include key vocabulary and writer's intentions. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Students can complete their own short summary of 'Macbeth' here. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Schemes of Work
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies, Shakespeare, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
A walk through of how to write a top grade essay. I can't take credit for the mark scheme annotations or the essay chain. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
This table helps track how the relationship develops throughout the novel. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Eduqas: Death of Naturalist. A lesson to introduce the poem with a writing exercise and success criteria. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: WJEC, Eduqas
May be helpful for students to gather their thoughts. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: WJEC, Eduqas
A highly embellished PPT covering relevant aspects of context compiled from several online resources. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
A Thinking and Linking grid on An Inspector Calls I have made, based on Stuart Pryke's Macbeth version. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Worksheets for each ghost and what they teach Scrooge VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
An A3 sheet for revision/ track Scrooge's transformation VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, WJEC, Eduqas
REUPLOADED (The last time I uploaded this it didn't open and I thought I deleted it but it stills shows up.)Guidance sheets I have put together for my year 11s to remind them what they are expected to... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
Revision worksheets for the 15 Power and Conflict poems; they act as a summary for each poem with activities for each poem's key ideas. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
These PPTs comprising key extracts from the text, can be used for whole class discussion and analysis, as well as independent revision. Individual slides can be used for starters or homework. There is... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
6 comprehension books and answers.Book 1 - social and historical context. Books 2-6 are based on each stave. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
First few lessons I put together based on the principles in Stuart Pryke and Amy Staniforth's wonderful book, Ready to Teach: Macbeth. Act 1 Scenes 1-3 covered here. Good for introducing the text for... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Plays, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A lesson I have taught at the end of a poetry module in the final term. Great for cultural capital and promoting sensitivity regarding black history. Students find it very engaging. It's also nice to... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Used this with my KS4 groups. The idea is to instill the principles of responding to Literature questions using the conceit of 'building a case' to push them to developing a clear idea/concept. This s... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Paper 2, Set Exam Texts (Novels), Shakespeare, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Student and teacher question sheet for watching through the 2018 BBC adaptation of An Inspector Calls. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
detailed comprehension questions and answers for each act.I would love to take credit for these resources, but they were created by an old friend of mine who has since retired. They are brilliant and... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, Eduqas
Act summaries with a gap fill exercise, dual coding and a key quotations section.Ideal for cold reads, lower abilities or revision. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas, City and Guilds
A walkthrough worksheet to support students reading AIC for the first time. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Simple dual coded bunting with the names of the poems and an image to represent each one. I have these printed and laminated then hung on a piece of string in my classroom! :) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A word document which is to be used when listening to the audiobook / reading as a class. Questions to answer about key quotations, fill in the blanks, complete diagrams of the dining table etc. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Unseen Poetry Worksheet on Piccadilly Line poem by Carole Satyamurti. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
I took the format of this quiz from something that I found online but the questions were designed by my year 11 class.How to play: Split the class into two teams.Quickly draw up this grid on the white... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Not in a lesson format at such but this PPT has lots of Do Now Activities and goes over the whole plot of Macbeth with fill in the missing blanks sheets, there are also slides with the answers on.&nbs... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
More information/revision really than a teaching resource but it gives all the necessary context for Macbeth and relates it to the play with a couple of exam tips at the end. I teach the EDEXCEL sylla... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
This resources is effectively a cold read/viewing of the film with comprehension tasks that go stave by stave. It works particularly well with EAL learners and is a good introduction to the story, cha... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
A knowledge organiser with 10 key quotes for both Macbeth and A Christmas Carol with brief context, device/method used and themes covered. Suitable for low/mid ability students who are struggling... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Edexcel style exam paper on Conflict and Unseen Poetry. Has easy teacher marking attached. Teacher simply highlights the relevant target, level and grade. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
A Christmas Carol/Jekyll and Hyde year 10 exam with easy teacher assessment attached should help to reduce teacher marking but also provides students with targets. Teacher just needs to highlight the... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
Pearson Edexcel Unseen Poetry resource based on the poems Blackberry Picking and Nettles. Gives an intro to the exam criteria, marks, timings and AOs. There is also a peer assessment marking grid cont... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
Past questions for AQA Literature exams VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A quick Do Now asking students which part of the play each meme refers to. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A quick Do Now asking students which part of the play the memes refer to. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A quick Do Now asking which parts of Macbeth the memes refer to. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A quick Do Now asking students which parts of the text the memes relate to. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A quick Do Now/starter task asking students to identify the poem from the meme. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A double sided sheet posing 12 exam questions linked to Power and Conflict from AQA, asking students to consider what they would do should that be their questions. Aims to get students really thinking... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A simple activity designed to allow pupils to see the similarities between Ozymandias and King George III in order for them to see the poem as a criticism. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A lesson designed for pupils that have already studied both poems separately but are now wanting to prepare for exams by practising comparing poems. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Students map out Eva's relationships with the other characters by summarising what happens between the two characters and supporting this with a quote. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
This sheet is to have students plot the important events for the main characters. It is a good summary sheet for students to look back on for quick revision. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
An A3 sheet using a simplified version (includes embedded quotes) of the poem to support students in their exploration. It includes some context and two quotes that students can analyse in detail. My... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
An A3 sheet including a simplified version of the poem, to be used alongside the original. My LOE students engaged with this format well. Feedback welcome :) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
An A3 sheet including a simplified version (written as a newspaper report) and two quotations for students to analyse. My LOE students are engaging really well with this format. Feedback welcome :) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
An A3 sheet containing a simplified version of the poem, to be used alongside the original. My LOE students have engaged well with this format. Feedback welcome :) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Key content quiz covering a range of topics from AIC, Macbeth, L+R poetry, all AQA.Could be useful for starters, or a one off session. Marking sheet included. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
An A3 sheet with a simplified version of the poem to be used alongside the original. The idea of Rich Tea Biscuit was that it's a simple biscuit that hits the spot without being overly complicated! Th... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
AQA Love and Relationship poetry anthology Test and Fold.Simply do test 1, then fold it back so that you can do Test 2, etc. You might want to start with recalling the poem, then move on to... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A quiz I made for my year 11s to revise the Edexcel Conflict poems. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
Guidance sheets I have put together for my year 11s to remind them what they are expected to do for each section/question in the literature papers.Texts I have made these for are: Macbeth, Jekyll and... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
A PPT to annotate and plan a response to Part A. Includes a sheet of sentence starters for a scaffolded response. Can be used for KS3 or KS4 as the poem is fairly accessible. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A PPT to explore the annotation and planning process for a response to Part A. Also includes a handout with some sentence starters to aid scaffolding a response. Can be used for KS3 or KS4 as the poem... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
This is a power point containing 32 questions and answers to revise Macbeth that I have made for my year 11s. (The power point goes through all 32 questions first and then it goes through all 32 answe... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
A PPT to support and encourage discussion and analysis of Chapter One. Can be used for whole class, group, or independent work. Includes relevant context links. Can also be assigned for homework. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
4 lessons for Macbeth Revision. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, Eduqas
4 lessons for AIC revision. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Schemes of Work
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
Easy to navigate knowledge organiser. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
Revision lessons for ACC. Complete lessons ready to teach. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Schemes of Work
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
Essay graded 29 out of 30 in summer 2022 exam VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Exemplar Material
Exam/Board: AQA
Jekyll and Hyde revision worksheets for each chapter. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Revision lesson with high-ability Year 11. Focused on analysis of writer's intention and included an exam practice question (24 marks) for AQA Literature Paper 2, Section C.Worksheet uploaded separate... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
This will be used for Set 2, Year 11 revision of Unseen Poetry. The worksheet is centred around the poem Catrin, however the analysis question frame can be adapted for any unseen poem. It u... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
More of the same... 5 minute activities all structured in the same way using What How Why as a framework. Designed to help develop confidence in analysing language skills. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
5 minute activities all structured in the same way using What How Why as a frame work. Designed to help develop confidence in analysing language. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Originally put together as a fun pre-Christmas recap of the play and chance to revise key concepts. At this point in scheme of work the play isn't complete, so it doesn't cover the ending. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Originally developed as last week of term/ pre-mock "fun" lesson. Students really enjoyed and was fantastic for revising key quotations! VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
This lesson resources was originally created for a middle-ability Year 9 class. I have added stretch questions to challenge the more able learners, plus extension activities and key context. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
My scheme that I have done so far- not all my work. Amalgamated from various resources online. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
My scheme that I have done so far- not all my work. Amalgamated from various resources online. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Lit What How Why questions to help kids develop their answers. I have them laminated on the wall. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
Historical context sheets for the war cluster poems on the Eduqas specification. I teach these chronologically so the students can understand how the transformative power of war has shaped and influen... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: Eduqas
Retrieval tasks after completion of studying the anthology VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Just the beginning couple of slides for a lesson introducing what, how, why paragraphs. There is a grid with question prompts to help show how they can begin their paragraphs with a different focus. O... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Poetry Anthologies, Set Exam Texts (Novels), Unseen Poetry, Writing
Exam/Board: AQA
Full play text of Macbeth in Russian.This version has been checked by my Ukranian students, all of whom speak and read Russian as well as Ukranian.Please note that I am not a Russian speaker, so I hav... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
ACC translated to Ukrainian using Word translate. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
AIC full text translated in to Ukrainian using Word translate. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Full Macbeth text translated to Ukrainian using Word Translate. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A4 pages linking English texts to places in the world. They are specific to the books done at my school although I suspect many will have at least some similar. Done with Adobe Spark. The idea is to p... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Wall Displays
Exam/Board: AQA
Lesson's for the first 6 chapters of Animal Farm, some include resources and lesson plans. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Schemes of Work
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
A display for using when getting pupils to write about anything text related. All sized and coloured ready to print off. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Wall Displays
Ready to print in the right size for a display board. Useful to use for retrieval when teaching. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Wall Displays
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
A Lesson on the Poem Catrin from the Edexcel cluster on Conflict. Has context, language, structure analysis and essay writing guidance along with Self-assessment. Probably three lesson's worth of work... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
Used to introduce low to mid ability students to poetry for the first time and includes Remains, Bayonet Charge, Exposure, Charge of the Light Brigade and War Photographer from the Power and Conflict... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A set of key quotations grouped by Act. Intended for familiarisation with the plot, teaching or revision. Not every scene is covered so you could add to it. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A few questions I've made up. Do check them beforehand as they may need tweaking or changing. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A revision workshop using the key scenes from the play with a blank booklet for students to fill in as you work through the slides. The booklet contains crosswords and scene summaries. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Keystone vocab resources, based on Alex Quigley's 'Closing the Vocabulary Gap' ideas. Can be used in classroom display or as part of lessons. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Wall Displays
Exam/Board: AQA
15 posters created with Adobe Spark with key quotations in an attempt to make my classroom more SEND friendly. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
I lesson that compares Remains to War photographer with differentiated planning table. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Recommended reads VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Paper 2
A set of three key quotes per main character along with some additional key quotes. Each quote has some analysis and consideration of effects to support revision. I have underlined any write... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A set of three key quotes per main character along with some additional key quotes. Each quote has some analysis and consideration of effects to support revision. I have underlined any writer's m... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
General revision lesson covering plot, characters, themes and context in the play. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Revision lesson focussing on the character of Malcolm and the theme of Kingship. The lesson also discusses how students can add 'flair' at GCSE. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
A revision lesson discussing the Gothic genre and other literary influences on Stevenson. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Revision lesson discussing Victorian Society and its influence on Stevenson and his novel. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Link to a video and questions to be answered as an introduction to context within ACC VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA, City and Guilds
An exploration of Sonnet 130 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
A low stakes quiz on quotations up to the end of Act 1 Scene 4. Some more challenging questions included to revise techniques and significance of quotations. I will try to upload more of these quizzes... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
Hot air balloon task with key scenes in R&J.Students need to summarise the scene and then justify which one could be 'thrown overboard' and why it's inconsequential to the play. Students discuss w... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
A low stakes multiple choice quiz on Macbeth context. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, WJEC, Eduqas
Language and Literature skills aimed at mid to low ability students. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Schemes of Work
Exam/Board: AQA
A collection of resources to teach War of the Worlds. Originally done for WJEC/Eduqas GCSE English Literature. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: WJEC, Eduqas
I've made a PowerPoint that includes readings of all of the poems, Mr Bruff short revision videos and one slide of condensed info per poem. I use it as a way to revisit the poems and for pupils to mak... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Slides to work through whilst reading halfway through Stave 2. Animations should be used to reveal answers over questions / tasks. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
A revision resource containing some of the major themes in Romeo and Juliet. Suitable for both KS3 & KS4. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Annotated notes on the poem by Thomas Hardy VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Teaching resource for scaffolded writing response on Ghost of Christmas Past, once you have read halfway through stave 2. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Consolidating Jacob Marley, after reading Stave one. Useful vocab and a 'what how why' example for pupils to reflect on. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
3 lessons that build to supported response on 2 exam questions from past papers on A Christmas Carol. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Edexcel Poetry anthology. The PowerPoint talks students through the poem and shows them how to analyse it as well as providing some context. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
A PowerPoint that talks students through the poem and gets them to analyse it and then write a comparative response. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
An Introduction to Edexcel criteria in relation to the text A Christmas Carol, also explores the themes as opposed to Context (not needed for Edexcel but still important) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
A document with sections to complete whilst watching the film version of An Inspector Calls. The accompanying PowerPoint explores the concept of social responsibility with a range of recent news... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A short activity to introduce An Inspector Calls, using Through the Keyhole as inspiration to learn about the family from the opening stage directions. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A lesson looking at the article from The Guardian 28/12/21. Includes Language style questions and skills as well as knowledge about context.Useful as a stand alone or revision lesson. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
SOW covering Acts 1 and 2 of 'Romeo and Juliet' aimed at year 9. All fully resourced.Acts 3, 4 and 5 are on another SOW also uploaded onto this website. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
In the style of @spryke2 (thank you for format and inspiration!), key extracts with targeted questions for annotation. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
In the style of @spryke2 (thank you for format and inspiration!), key extracts with targeted questions for annotation. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
This is a workbook with lots of revision ideas on the character of Macbeth along with some sample questions. It is very visual and hopefully useful! VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
This is the synopsis of a “brick” from our Brillder content catalogue on Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130, 'My mistress' eyes’. Bricks are interactive digital learning units that combine the authority of a te... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
This is the synopsis of a “brick” from our Brillder content catalogue on Shakespeare’s 'Romeo and Juliet’. Bricks are interactive digital learning units that combine the authority of a textbook with t... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
This is the synopsis of a “brick” from our Brillder content catalogue on Shakespeare’s 'Romeo and Juliet’. Bricks are interactive digital learning units that combine the authority of a textbook with t... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
This is the synopsis of a “brick” from our Brillder content catalogue on Shakespeare’s 'Macbeth’. Bricks are interactive digital learning units that combine the authority of a textbook with the excite... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
This is the synopsis of a “brick” from our Brillder content catalogue on Shakespeare’s 'Macbeth’. Bricks are interactive digital learning units that combine the authority of a textbook with the excite... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Scaffolded 'what how why' task for the theme of Social Responsibility once Capitalism / Socialism has been covered and the entire play has been read. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Kamikaze by Beatrice Garland, annotated as a class - stanza by stanza VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A mock trial task for pupils to discuss who is most responsible for Eva Smith's death. Useful once the entire play has been read and individual characters have been explored. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
In the style of @spryke2 (thank you for format and inspiration!), key extracts with targeted questions for annotation. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
A Mr Birling model that I wrote for a feedback lesson. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Exemplar Material
Exam/Board: AQA
Quantum Theatre performs a full production of the Shakespeare text which runs for 1hr 25mins. This is a very heightened, theatrical production that moves at pace using a set, lights, music and p... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, Eduqas
An hour long play taken directly from the Dickens text, combining narrative passages and short scenes to tell the story, and using the original dialogue and descriptions to do this. It follows e... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, WJEC, Eduqas
Key speeches in powerpoint format. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: IGCSE
In the style of @spryke 2 (thank you for format and inspiration!), key extracts with targeted questions for annotation. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
Lesson on 'Bright Star' as an unseen poem for high ability students who had already had a lesson on sonnets. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
In the style of @spryke2 (thank you for format and inspiration!), key extracts with targeted questions for annotation. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
SOW was created to support the Unseen Poetry element. Range of Black British poets' contribution to poetry. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Found some great lessons on here on Macbeth, so just uploading my PowerPoint on Romeo & Juliet in the hope it'll help someone out in the same way! VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
In the style of @spryke2 (thank you for format and inspiration!), key extracts with targeted questions for annotation. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
In the style of @spryke2 (thank you for format and inspiration!), key extracts with targeted questions for annotation. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
AQA GCSE English LiteraturePoetry: Power and Conflict‘Exposure’ by Wilfred OwenDouble-sided PDF activity sheet includes:Exploring poet’s word choicesVocabulary skillsSelecting effective quotationsMaki... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Context extracts and activities for J&H VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A full lesson on the portrayal of Abigail Williams in The Crucible, delivered as part of the CIE IGCSE Literature in English course. Includes starter tasks, model answer (partial), and creative writin... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Exemplar Material
Exam/Board: IGCSE
Encourage students to think about the themes in three easy steps. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
This is the synopsis of a “brick” from our content catalogue on Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet'. Bricks are interactive digital learning units that combine the authority of a textbook with the excite... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
This is the synopsis of a “brick” from our content catalogue on Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'. Bricks are interactive digital learning units that combine the authority of a textbook with the excitement of a... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
This is the synopsis of a “brick” from our content catalogue on Blake's 'London'. Bricks are interactive digital learning units that combine the authority of a textbook with the excitement of a live,... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
This is the synopsis of a “brick” from our content catalogue on Blake's 'The Tyger' and 'The Lamb'. Bricks are interactive digital learning units that combine the authority of a textbook with the exci... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
This is the synopsis of a “brick” from our content catalogue on Keats's 'Bright Star’. Bricks are interactive digital learning units that combine the authority of a textbook with the excitement of a l... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
This is the synopsis of a “brick” from our content catalogue on Wordsworth's 'Lines Composed Upon Westminster Bridge'. Bricks are interactive digital learning units that combine the authority of a tex... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
A compilation of free online resources including short biographical information, source of inspiration for the poem, interview with James Nachtwey, historical information about 'The Troubles', the 198... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A compilation of online free resources to include biographical information, interview with Guardsman Tromans, and brief definition of PTSD. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A compilation of free online resources containing short historical information about the Crimean War, biographical information on Alfred, Lord Tennyson, the position of his views as the Poet Laureate... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Mini exam practice for Lit - Macbeth, An Inspector Calls and Power and Conflict Poetry.Students write for 30 minutes and then peer assess. One question on each text per term for four terms to hel... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
PPT for teaching Neutral Tones VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: OCR
A simple resource to help guide students through a what, how, why approach rather than PEE etc. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Writing
Exam/Board: AQA
A compilation of free online resources containing short biographical information on William Blake, the position of his views as a Romantic poet, contextual information for the poem, Blake's typicality... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Give by Simon Armitage and Tramp by Robert M. Loydell comparison - group work discussion prompt sheet VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
A useful planning and writing help sheet for an Exposure and Storm on the Island comparison essay VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
SOWOverview of every scene within acts 3, 4 and 5.10 full lessons VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Compilation of ideas from a range of free online resources, including short biographical information on Imtiaz Dharker, key themes and ideas within her poetry, a brief section on Dharker in her own wo... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
I was doing a bit of research on the British Library site and found an interesting article on COTLB (link on Word document). This led me to think about some of the striking links you can make be... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Compilation of ideas from free online resources including biographical information about Browning, his time in Italy and its influence on his writing, Browning's connection with Victorian ideas,... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Compilation of ideas from free online resources covering the Romantic genre, biographical information about Shelley, and historical references for the poem. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
This booklet was created in order to support students independent reading and understanding of the text VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Theme Analysis with links to characters, key quotes, effect on reader / audience, and context. This can be tailored as revision for any Literature text studied. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Schemes of Work
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A student response to the following question AQA style question:Starting with the extract, explore how Dickens uses the ghosts to help Scrooge change his attitudes and behaviour.I got it from the Face... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A revision session (designed to cover 2 hours), covering the plot, historical context, authorial background and use of characters as lessons about morality and the issues in society.Enjoy! :) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
I created these 20 lessons for the first teaching of Macbeth after reading Pryke and Stainforth's teaching resource book on Macbeth and in order to facilitate online learning for our GCSE pupils. The... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
For unseen poetry, a way to explore the implicit meaning and get students thinking about approaching a deeper level analysis. Good for GCSE or lower. I used with HAP group but could easily... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Useful for establishing character traits once halfway through the text VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Short extracts and questions as a carousel to support plot knowledge and AO1 development. Useful as revision or essay skills. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Revision style lesson which also has an essay response opportunity. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Fully resourced lessons for ACC, mix of literature and language based tasks. I used this with a low ability group but can be adapted. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Created this to avoid myself repeating the same phrases- you can edit with your own comment bank. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Does what it says on the tin. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Covers the 'impact of conflict' mini-cluster with Remains, WP and Poppies. Students have already revised the content of the poems, we then worked with slow-writing to build essays using grids an... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
4 weeks of retrieval practice pyramids. Questions are centred around A Christmas Carol and An Inspector Calls mainly with a small interweaving of Macbeth.All created on Word so the questions can be am... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A list I put together of key revision quotations from 'An Inspector Calls' for KS4. Organised act-by-act. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
All the key quotes from Act 1 divided into characters for easy teaching and revision. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
These quotes are all from ACT 2 of the play and divided into each character to allow students to memorise for the exam. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A lesson exploring spending and poverty, includes a shopping list in shillings, powerpoint, articles and images to help guide a final piece of report writing. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
We teach KS4 in 5-hour blocks, so this is around 4 hours of work based on 'Checking Out Me History'. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A Power and Conflict poetry escape room-style activity. - Questions can easily be adapted. - Includes clear instructions and a teacher answer sheet. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
This is a series of 10 lessons that gives contextual insight to the play. There are some Oak academy link included in the PPTs too. Pupils need an idea of the plot and characters before commencin... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Differentiated worksheet to go with the ppt (uploaded separately because people couldn't access the zip file with both docs in) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
There is also a differentiated worksheet to go with this but I will have to upload separately because I seem to have a problem with the zip file with both docs in. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Unseen poetry full lesson for remote teaching based on Amanda Gorman's The Hill We Climb from Biden's inauguration ceremony.Includes differentiated question worksheet and ppt VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Connecting Wall from Only Connect based on Macbeth. Probably best for higher ability groups, and as a revision activity. Solutions on final screen! I awarded 1 point for each set of... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, WJEC, Eduqas
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Checklist for success criteria in writing a comparative poetry essay. Useful for reflection/improvement/self-assessment. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Aimed at a higher year 11 set. Instructions on how to set up via Breakout Rooms on Teams attached, with all clues and answers. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
This is an Oracy focused lesson (but could be adapted).The focus is on the historical background of the female rulers, of the Tudor era.Looking at the bloody nature of Queens Mary and Elizabeth, pupil... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Questions in the style of VIPERS on each character from An Inspector Calls - including Edna! VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
6 lesson mini-unit to introduce pupils to AQA Unseen Poetry, both questions. It begins with the skill of analysing a tiny snipppet of a poem and builds to a comparison of 2 poems in lesson 6. The unit... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
An online lesson I taught last week linking Beatrice's character to the main themes of the play and working towards writing a response.WAGOLL included (though I did get a bit carried away!) the colour... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A one page word doc with two main time theories which are applicable to AIC: Ouspensky & Dunne.It gives a brief outline and space to make notes on how to apply to the text - this will need teacher... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A lesson exploring Lady Macbeth's soliloquy. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Revision of The Inspector and Mr Birling in 'An Inspector Calls'. The lesson has differentiated work at three different levels and has been designed for live teaching but could also be easily used in... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A worksheet to upload to Google Classroom or similar for students to work through for their own learning. Ideal also for revision. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Success criteria with linked improvement tasks to aid quick marking and DIRT lesson. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
This is a 5-hour session created for year 10 students who will be at home for the first week back after Christmas break. They are about to complete their assessment on 'A Christmas Carol' and this les... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Two HW or remote learning booklets on Christmas Carol. One for higher ability (HA) and one for lower ability (LA) Each HW has a different focus - Scrooge, Bob, The Ghosts , Minor Characters, Structure... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Schemes of Work
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
These are revision/ work packs created for students in isolation (internally or externally) for GCSE English Language and Literature for AQA. Some resources have been taken from contributing teachers... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
Homework booklet of extracts and tasks to prepare students to study a C19th text. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A list of codes matching AOs. Can be used for coded feedback and self-assessment. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Produced by Corby Technical School English Dept. A quick quiz / low stakes test for giving at the end of teaching each Act VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
2 lessons, focusing on how we are lead to anticipate supernatural experiences and how/why Marley is presented as being doomed to Purgatory.Plenty of Oracy/discussion focus as well as sentence stems, a... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Created to help students learning remotely in isolation VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A revision lecture and workshop on language in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde based on the Massolit lecture by Nick Groom. Referenced on the first slide. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A ppt to show students how to create a snakes and ladders style board game. Scrooge's positive actions are the ladders. The negative actions are the snakes. It can be printed out to... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A Christmas Carol starter focusing on stave 1 and 2, can be a useful revision resource. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A starter task on the context introduced in stave 1,2,3 and how this links to characters, useful for year 10/11 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Exemplar Material, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
This is unit of work is comprised of 20 lessons, 60 minutes in duration. Some of the lessons may carry over into a second day depending on speed and ability of class. These lessons address context (fo... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Schemes of Work, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
This is the Writing Mat we use to help students with their 'What, When, How, Why' paragraph structure.Although this Mat is specific to Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, it can easily be adapted for any text. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
ACC Intro lesson - Dickens' Purpose VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Macbeth q based on 'Is that a dagger' plus exemplar. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Exemplar Material, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Questions based on watching the film 'The Spirit of '45' Lots of useful contextual info that pupils can apply to 'An Inspector Calls'. Pupils fill in the missing blanks on the sheet to provide th... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Schemes of Work
Exam/Board: IGCSE
A powerpoint I put together to get a Year 11 class through the play over the next few weeks. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Schemes of Work
Act out the plot of Macbeth with key quotations. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Publisher doc with sections to summarise plot, quotes, context and writer's intent. Useful revision task - could easily set as homework. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Revision activities and information for Much Ado About Nothing. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Shamelessly stolen from Stuart Pryke's resources - excellent if you're stuck for cover or need to set a home learning task VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Brief intro to P&C poetry unit. Then analyses Ozy with some creative writing about the Edward Colston statue in Bristol. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A Revision tool for revisiting context, character and themes. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
This tracker uses guesstimates from previous trends for AQA GCSE English Literature in light of the changes to the 2021 exam format due to coronavirus to allow for tracking of approximate grades. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Assessment Materials, Paper 1, Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A PowerPoint and resources to talk students through planning writing and assessment of an exam style question. The question focuses on Checking Out Me History (and London) but could easily be adapted... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Lesson introducing the character of Friar Lawrence. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Revision of key poetic techniques with examples VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
A revision session I delivered to Year 11 focused on the theme of 'Kingship' in Macbeth. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
I have created this grid with timings and topics where students can make notes whilst listing to the podast. From Page 4, there are my typed up notes, so students could then use them to fill in any ga... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
24 literacy starters linked to An Inspector Calls, with answers. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Raw score to grade boundary conversion to reflect current changes to AQA GCSE English Literature exam structure for the 2021 series only. Obviously, a very provisional document, but a useful reference... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Assessment Materials, Paper 1, Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies, Set Exam Texts (Novels), Shakespeare, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
A revision session focused on reviewing the theme of 'ambition' in Macbeth. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
A collection of 28 starters for Year Ten connected to A Christmas Carol, with answers/suggestions. Could also be used with Year Eleven. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
A revision session examining her character and looking at key quotations. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
A series of lessons exploring Lady Macbeth's character following a cold read of the play. There is a lot of context focus based on texts and ideas from the British Library and some slides have been bo... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
A lesson (will probably cover a double) I've prepared for my Year 10 class linking to the issues around Black History Month.Includes an analysis of William Cowper's 'The Negro's Complaint'. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
This supports the Romeo and Juliet Workbook or can be used as a standalone resource. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
GCSE workbook to support teaching, learning and exam preparation for the English Literature exam (compulsory Paper 2 for 2021). I hope you find this useful - I've spent a a number of years editing and... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Beginning to develop analysis skills. You write the final paragraph with them. 2 -3 lessons here depending on how you use the ppt. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
This is a series of lessons to explore this key question around the Witches following a cold read of the play.A special thanks to @spryke2 on Twitter for use of a few of his slides and British Library... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
Revision session which involves reviewing some key vocabulary, revising the plot line, fitting the plot line into the nine features of a tragedy play and then students complete a blank knowledge organ... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
An Inspector Calls - heavily scaffolded for low set or nurture group with SEN / EAL. Also using graphic novel. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Schemes of Work
Here is a series of about 3-4 lessons exploring the key question presented in the title following a cold read of the play, 'Macbeth'.A quick thank you to any authors I have borrowed ideas from. I alwa... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
Note: this is from Boardworks which is no longer active. It is offering a limited number of free resources but this s not one of them. Not all slides function but it is still useful.Lower ability/revi... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Using a skills checklist found on Twitter, by a colleague so apologies for no accurate credit, I have created a guide listing online resources students can use to address their areas for concern. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies, Shakespeare, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
14 powerpoints about poems - some are combined, and some are individual. There are embedded videos in lots of these! Critical readings from British Library and other blogs (hopefully) for each po... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
I have compiled a range of resources into a complete SOW for the AQA Power and Conflict Poetry Anthology. Apologies that I cannot cite the appropriate creators for their content, but in light of AQA's... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
I have compiled a range of resources into a complete SOW for the AQA Power and Conflict Poetry Anthology. Apologies that I cannot cite the appropriate creators for their content, but in light of AQA's... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Revision work sheet for each ghost, with two short extracts and analysis table for each. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Revision BookletRevising the theme of Family and analysing a few short extracts leading up to an assessment style question VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
12 lesson Blood Brothers SOW with two 'essay challenges' and a walking / talking mock guided writing session. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Schemes of Work, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A revision booklet covering theme of Kingship and analysis of three short extracts building up to an assessment style extract question, with planning grid and sentence starters. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
An introduction to Blood Brothers booklet. An overview of the plot, play, context and themes. Contains some short extracts.We used as a summer project in Y9 before students study the play in depth in... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Booklet of activities I made for SEMH GCSE group. Updated to a PDF. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
List of literary/technical terms as recommended by AQA VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Ideal to use to see what students do/ don't recall. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Writing
Exam/Board: AQA
These are my lessons based on J&H up to Ch6, though there isn't too much on Ch5. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A Power Point for the first day of GCSE to show students the curriculum map, AO's and breakdown of each component of the exams. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Idea taken from Pearson Training. Can be used as a revision aid. Resource could be enlarged to A3 as pupils learn more knowledge. Pupils are to fill in the white space with as many details as possible... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA, Eduqas
Idea taken from Pearson Training. Can be used as a revision aid. Resource could be enlarged to A3 as pupils learn more knowledge. Pupils are to fill in the white space with as many details as possible... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA, Eduqas
I have made these two Power Points for the Autumn term for Year 11 revision (I got the idea from a TES download, I can't for the life of me remember who made it - apologies!). As a school we do M... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies, Schemes of Work, Set Exam Texts (Novels), Shakespeare, Writing
Exam/Board: AQA
Can be done as a Cover Lesson or even just a A lesson with a Teacher.Computer room lesson involved. Students must use Seneca to create a Mind Map of each poems studied in Class, then the next wee... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials, Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Scanned Copy of the CGP A Christmas Carol Scanned Copy: From the How To tackle Exam Question VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
A great way for students to do note down there quotations for Literature Paper 1/ Paper 2 SectionsLord of the fliesA Christmas CarolRomeo and JulietLove and Relationship PoemsThis can be editedIt;s a... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials, Exemplar Material, Paper 1, Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Character Profile map forVictorThe MonsterHenry ClervalDe-Lacy FamilyElizabethRobert Walton VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Assessment Materials, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Students can use this to audit their knowledge of Macbeth. It should then help them to identify areas they need to work on and any 'gaps' they might have. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A mixture of work by S. Pryke and some additional lessons to teach over two terms. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Schemes of Work, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A mixture of work by S. Pryke and some additional lessons to teach over two terms. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Schemes of Work, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A mixture of work by S. Pryke and some additional lessons to teach over two terms. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Schemes of Work, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A mixture of work by S. Pryke and some additional lessons to teach over two terms. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Schemes of Work, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A mixture of work by S. Pryke and some additional lessons to teach over two terms. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Schemes of Work, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A summer project to introduce AQA Power and Conflict cluster and boost cultural capital. Pre-reading task, a bingo task (Einstein question, Image Strips, etc) and photographic treasure hunt. ... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
So, in an attempt to engage some of my low ability/disengaged Y10's over the summer I have put this task list/ competition together. I turned it into a mini competition with small prizes to try and en... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
To use these, open Google Drive and Import them to a blank Google Sheet - save them wherever in Drive you like. You may want to create a Shared Drive you can give your whole department access to.Then,... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
16 lessons with a Scheme of Work for teaching An Inspector Calls remotely. I have converted my lessons to be more suitable for independent learning. The lessons cover the context of the play and cover... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Analysis of Bayonet Charge for KS4 poetry VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
An analysis of the KS4 poem, Tissue. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
An detailed analysis of the poem, Emigree by Rumens to be used with KS4. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
An example of the sequencing doc for Yr 7 to 10 for students. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 3
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Novels, Reading, SPAG Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar, Speaking and Listening, Vocabulary, Writing
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
A quick way to give marking feedback for Frankenstein. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A quick and easy way to give marking feedback for GCSE Lit text: Macbeth. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: OCR
Revision resource using a mixture of old spec and new spec questions and exemplars. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
can be easily adapted VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Assessment Materials, Paper 1, Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
AQA English literature Unseen poetry VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
A voiced lesson based on the wonderful Stuart Pryke one stop revision.The link for the quiz is closed so please create your own. I've also drawn on some Seneca resources. Thank you! VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Perfect for Revision for Students stydying AQA Love and relationship Poems VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
These are visuals as much as anything else, but tie key vocabulary (in the form of Frayer models) to different poems in the AQA anthology, as well as images that act as starter activities or support u... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A booklet of 12 AIC and Macbeth essays and 4 pieces of Creative Writing. Many have been moderated across Twitter/Facebook groups and would be brilliant for departmental moderation or used as model ess... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Exemplar Material
Exam/Board: AQA
Romeo and Juliet ppt for KS4 LA ppts VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
An interview lesson designed to last 20 minutes but could easily extend beyond this. I ran out of time in the interview lesson. It was delivered to a mixed ability class. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
ACC Knowledge Organiser - filled in and blank for students VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
A video I made that talks the students through the AQA poem Before You Were Mine. It even includes hand-drawn pictures! VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
90 minute lesson designed for delivery from front to mixed ability for current situation. Covers revision of AQA Conflict poetry, Jekyll and Hyde/ A Christmas Carol, An Inspector Calls and free... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Poetry Anthologies, Set Exam Texts (Novels), Writing
Exam/Board: AQA
I converted 16 lessons for An Inspector Calls into lessons which would work for those at home without access to the internet. I try to provide answers to help pupils and the resources cover the charac... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A ppt written for students whilst they are home-learning, to introduce the theme of conflict, and to start thinking about the poems they are going to be studying. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
An introduction to Ozymandias, with parallels drawn between Saddam Hussein and the recent removal of the Colston statue in Bristol. Component 2 linked task at the end (Eduqas but would work for AQA wi... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA, Eduqas
Exemplar poetry tables for P&C cluster VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
My own personal annotated copy - maybe of use to someone VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
May need some adapting as was written early in my teaching career but might help as a starting point. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Schemes of Work, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Planning sheet for poetry analysis - helps analyse the poem using STRIVE and also form each element into a PETER paragraph. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies, Unseen Poetry, Writing
Exam/Board: AQA
A fun one off lesson about how to compare two poems using own brand and branded jaffa cakes as a (tasty) teaching aid. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
A work booklet for KS4 Shakespeare Study aimed at lower abilities, focusing on language and extract analysis, activities which demonstrate comprehension through reading/writing skills, and scaffolded... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Poetry Overlay - a useful resource when analysing unseen poems VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Using @SPryke2's fantastic resources and @MissHayes12 activities, I've created a remote learning booklet for Blake's London. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Extracts from every scene with summary, key quotations and questions aimed at low ability students as a way of getting to know the whole play without reading it all. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Previous files were not uploaded correctly so I have compressed them into a zip folder. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
This is what I have been using to introduce Macbeth to my Year 10s. Mostly it is one slide per 'lesson' during lockdown which should be around 30 minutes (as directed by my HOD). I copied each slide f... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
This is what I have been using to introduce Macbeth to my Year 10s. Mostly it is one slide per 'lesson' during lockdown which should be around 30 minutes (as directed by my HOD). I copied each slide f... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Notes to summarise the discussions of Lady Macbeth by Niamh Cusack and AD Peter Bradley from RSC Live lesson. All notes are my own, taken whilst watching the live lesson. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Hello! A scheme of work that focuses on most of the AQA short story anthology. Some of the stories in the scheme aren't from the anthology and some have been missed out due to the fact that I made thi... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Good as an alternative to essay to test knowledge or can be used for interleaving/revision VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
I made this for my year 10 as i had had a few queries along the lines of "How do i annotate a poem?"You may wish to jazz it up a bit as its just a word document. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A 20 part card sort for AIC with all key details included.(For student edition, simply delete numbers.) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
An article-based worksheet aimed at KS4 pupils that gives an insight into child labour in the Industrial Revolution. This could work as a remote learning task for students studying A Christmas Ca... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A fully resourced set of detailed power points covering all scenes in Macbeth, preparing students for GCSEs. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials, Exemplar Material, Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Full 24 lessons with 2 assessment points. Covers the full play. Eduqas spec but does include some context/easily adapted for AQA. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: Eduqas
Crosswords (and answer sheets!) for vocab from each of the 10 chapters of Jekyll and Hyde. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Revision style activity for Jekyll and Hyde. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Saw a version for Poetry online and my pupils loved it so I created this revision activity for An Inspector Calls. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
English Lit/Lang curriculum map for years 9-11. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Schemes of Work
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Writing
A 2 year long term plan for teaching GCSE Lit. Recently went through ofsted and they were happy with this. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Schemes of Work
Exam/Board: AQA
32 exam questions to help you prepare for Lit P2: 4 for An Inspector Calls, 4 for DNA, 12 for Power and Conflict poetry and 12 for Love and Relationships poetry.This pack of exam questions is a free g... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
10 exam questions to help you prepare for Lit P1: two each for Macbeth, A Christmas Carol, Pride and Prejudice, Romeo and Juliet and Merchant of Venice.This pack of exam questions is a free gift to an... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
A Macbeth revision worksheet I adapted from Stuart Pryke's amazing resources on Twitter. Thank you, Stuart!Feel free to enjoy, edit, use or lose :) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Uploading this on behalf of another member - Lyn Jones.Poetry revision cue cards Power & Conflict VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies, Wall Displays
Exam/Board: AQA
A booklet to revise the context of An Inspector Calls VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Weekly revision tasks covering 9 weeks. Each week is split into 5 days and each day has 3 short independent tasks for revision. Covers both Lit and Lang. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Poetry revision card for Power and ConflictKindly donated by Lyn Jones VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Day by day revision tasks English Literature Paper 2 Section A Character Focus Week 13 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Day by day revision tasks for English Literature Paper 1 Section B Week 12 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Day by Day revision tasks for English Literature Paper 1 Section A Shakespeare (Character focus) Week 11 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Day by day revision tasks for English Literature Paper 2 Section C Week 10 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Silence and Secrecy essay- 50 minutes. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A walking talking mock script to help students familiarise themselves with the exam and learn helpful tips and tricks. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
Edexcel revision resources with differently weekly focuses. Literature weeks can be adapted for AQA. There are seven weeks total uploaded at the moment with more to come. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
A range of activities devised for students to Know More Remember More. I use as a starter. Pupils work in pairs and work round the room attempting to complete each activity in approx 1 min (each task)... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
A checklist I compiled for my Y11s last year - students find it helpful to use when answering exam questions/ trying to meet the requirements of the mark scheme. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A revision resource aimed at lower attaining students looking at consolidating their understanding of the play and the characters VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Blank knowledge organiser for students to fill in for revision VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A blank stave timeline with prompting questions for students to complete VIEW
Level: Key Stage 3
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
An Inspector Calls Revision form and structure using the Cornell notes method. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Revision of An Inspector Calls, looking at the human condition. Lesson based on @spryke2 on Twitter - I take minimal credit. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Exploration of the Duality of Man and the human condition in Jekyll and Hyde VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Day by day revision tasks for English Literature Paper 2 Section B week 9 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A power point to accompany a lecture I gave on Macbeth and the theme of Kingship. Includes low stakes quizzes. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, Eduqas
Quick guide to the opening of the play VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Day by day revision tasks for English Literature paper 2 Section A Week 8 (An Inspector Calls, Blood Brothers) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Home Learning Booklet on An Inspector Calls VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Macbeth Home Learning booklet VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
I created these just to ensure that my class has something to challenge them on arrival. It also means they have a routine to the start of the lesson and have no excuses not to start thinking on arriv... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Paper 2, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Day by day revision tasks English Literature Paper 1 Section B Week 7. (Jekyll and Hyde, Christmas Carol, Great Expectations, Jane Eyre, Frankenstein, Pride and Prejudice, The Sign of the Four) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Reflection sheet created for our students post mocks that includes a 30/30 mark response to the 2019 question VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Exemplar Material, Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Reflection sheet created for our students including a 28/30 mark response to 2019's ACC question VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Exemplar Material, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
An AQA marked response to the 2018 Macbeth question on Banquo and Macbeth's attitudes towards the supernatural that was given 26 marks out of 30. I've typed exactly as it was writt... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Exemplar Material, Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
An AIC KO that is adapted from several I sourced online but adapted to the needs of our students VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
An Animal Farm Knowledge Organiser created for our year 7s but could be equally valuable to KS4 so I've listed it as KS4 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A KO created for use with our Year 8s who study Anita and Me but would be equally valuable for KS4 so that's what I've listed it under. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A presentation designed for Year 11 before the mock exams. Goes over some different revision techniques and includes a questionnaire to get students thinking about their own revision. I ai... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
24 5 A Day questions for AQA Revision includesDNAJekyll and HydeMacbethP&Cand Language Paper Questions VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies, Set Exam Texts (Novels), Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Cold read lessons for An Inspector Calls with comprehension questions to create summaries of students' understanding and reflection on audience responses to characters. Recall questions based on... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Thank you for letting me join this group. Wanted to make you aware of a production of ‘Romeo & Juliet’ in Birmingham 20-23 January 2021. https://www.crescent-theatre.co.uk/theatre-event/?EventID=1... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
An unseen question on the theme of rejection. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Day by day revision tasks for English Literature Paper 1 Section A Week 6/15 (Julius Caesar, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest, The Merchant of Venice, Much Ado About Nothing) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Revision of key quotations in Macbeth which challenges students to then make links to the wider text VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Revision of quotations which then challenges students to make links to other parts of the text VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1
Revision of key quotations which then challenges students to make links to other parts of the text VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Some people have asked for this on the Facebook page. Might be useful for lower ability students. First attempt at uploading didn't work but hopefully this will! VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A lesson including a 6x6 grid to explore the poem War Photographer. Will need dice to play or can adapt! VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Could be set as a homework. Revision questions on 'Storm on the Island' from the Power/Conflict Cluster of the poetry anthology. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Could be set for a homework. Revision questions on Exposure from the Power/Conflict Cluster of the poetry anthology. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Day by day revision tasks for English Literature Paper 2 Section C week 5. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Introduction to Lady Macbeth PPT VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Here is my lesson on analysing Lady Macbeth. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A Cornell notes style worksheet- slightly adapted- on Blood Brothers. Section of text is from BBC Bitesize. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Day by day revision tasks for English Literature Paper 2 Section B Week 4 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A very simple resource for students to start exploring key themes. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
For teaching and revising form. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
A useful PPT to work through the poem Remains with some creative tasks as well. Suitable for middle to lower ability. You will need to watch the documentary The Not Dead for the start of these lessons... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Documentary that goes with the poem Remains made by Simon Armitage. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level 6 - 29/30 mark - Student exemplar for May 2019 AQA English Literature Paper 1 - Q8 - A Christmas Carol. Completed in mock exam under normal timed conditions. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Exemplar Material, Paper 1, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Day by day revision tasks for English Literature Paper 2 Section A Week 3 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
All Spotify Revision Rap links 15 poems in 24 bars -Ultimate Power and Conflict Comparison Rap https://sptfy.com/hobN Power and Conflict Poems Rapped London -whol... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Day by day revision tasks for English Literature Paper 1 Section B Week 2 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
LYRICS:Romeo:If I profane with my unworthiest handThis holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready standTo smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.Juliet:Good pilgrim... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: OCR
Day by day revision tasks for English Literature Paper 1 Section A Week 1 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: Eduqas
Not mine! It came from Jstor VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Scheme of Work for the Edexcel Conflict Poetry Cluster. Covers all 15 poems with exemplar essay answer and analysis of model. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies, Schemes of Work
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
This can be used as a revision resource for Year 10 or 11 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
This can be used with Year 10 or Year 11 students- feel free to adapt as you wish. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A lesson on aspects of An Inspector Calls such as genre and form. This is structured clearly for students to make notes using the Cornell method. It was aimed at Year 10 students. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Colour display with quotations and titles of poems. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
War poems - Eduqas VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: Eduqas
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Harry Leslie Smith was an RAF Pilot who was born into poverty in the 1920s - he discusses life for his working class Yorkshire family and the impact that a society without welfare has on the individua... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Harry Leslie Smith was an RAF Pilot who was born into poverty in the 1920s - he discusses life for his working class Yorkshire family and the impact that a society without welfare has on the individua... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Marking frontsheets for assessment work (Anthology Poetry, Shakespeare, 19th Century Novel and Modern Text), complete with AQA markschemes with WWW and EBI comment banks. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
Get 2 learners to the front of the class (split your room into 2 teams). Learners at front are NOT allowed to look at board. Then show the first slide. Other learners in the class ha... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Tell me more cards are an Isabella Wallace strategy. You have three sets of the cards per class. Each student has a card. They must read it and try to learn it if they can. They will all get up.... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A series of essays/articles written for the British Library on various aspects of Macbeth including character analysis of Lady Macbeth, Macbeth and close analysis on themes. Interesting reading and de... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Notes taken from Professor John Bowen of York University's MASSOLIT Lecture series on A Christmas Carol. Might be useful for additional reading for higher level students or to further develop analysis... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
An introduction to the poem Exposure by Wilfred Owen. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
An introduction to the poem Bayonet Charge by Ted Hughes. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
This is similar to my previous EAL / Low Ability worksheets for An Inspector Calls. There is some vocabulary work, simple comprehension and a true or false activity. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Use to mark a whole class mock. This base is for Eng Lit Paper 2 but can be adapted for Paper 1 and Language. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
My Last Duchess annotated. Useful for Power and Conflict AQA GCSE or AQA A level Lit B VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Inspired by the amazing @SPryke, I've created the revision grid for Blood Brothers. I teach a mixed ability class to you'll see a range of facts/quotes/Tier 2 vocab here. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
I used this lesson with Y10 set 3 (of 4) to explore why ghost stories were so popular in the Victorian era and therefore why Dickens frames ACC as a ghost story. After the starter (a great punctuation... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Inspired by the AIC escape room on this website, this escape room is a fun way for students to explore the influence of factors such as Malthusian theory and the poor laws on ACC. I've gathered my res... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Section A: An Inspector CallsSection B: Poetry AnthologySection C: The unseen section of this will be useful for all. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Lesson delivered after some analysis VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: Eduqas
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Poetry Anthologies, Set Exam Texts (Novels), Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
The Prelude set of lessons aimed at EAL students. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Key quotations divided into theme and character. This was useful for revision and also as a resource during practice questions. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
For Macbeth, An Inspector Calls, Jekyll and Hyde OR a Christmas Carol. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Escape room lesson for AIC VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA, OCR
A suggested route through reading the whole play in one go with a combination of reading, summarising, film clips, sketches etc. Designed to give the students a full understanding of the narrati... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Breakdown of scenes with characters, day/night/ int/ext ad ocations.Useful for AO2 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
To go alongside images from texts we study. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Wall Displays
Recap quizzes, guided questions/worksheets/using quotes worksheet. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
A single A4 sheet grid (when double-sided) of themes/character Qs with thesis and three good points planning boxes.Fully editable.For speed-planning for exam practice or independent revision. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A single A4 sheet grid (when double-sided) of themes/character Qs with thesis and three good points planning boxes.Fully editable.For speed-planning for exam practice or independent revision. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
A single A4 sheet grid (when double-sided) of themes/character Qs with thesis and three good points planning boxes.Fully editable.For speed-planning for exam practice or independent revision. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Uploading on behalf of (and with permission from) Naomi Linsell. Blank copies of all 15 poems from the Power and Conflict Cluster in the AQA Anthology in Word format. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Two lessons on how to introduce fish plans for comparative analysis Based on AQA Love and Relationships and Power and Conflict Anthologies. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Schemes of Work
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Extract from Stave 5.'Starting with this extract, how does Dickens present Scrooge as a transformed character?' VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
AIC mock exam/assessment on the Inspector and Mr Birling. Mark scheme attached - grades featured were calculated using the 2018 grade boundaries.Hope of some use! VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
AIC mini-assessment on Sheila and the Inspector. Mark scheme attached - grades featured were calculated using the 2018 grade boundaries.Hope of some use! VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
A list of statements for students to explore for the text to encourage engagement and thoughtful analysis. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A short PowerPoint to guide students on how to write a 'thesis' as an opening to their Lit Paper 1 responses VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Flipped learning homework for pupils to being annotating the poem before the lesson. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A booklet of unseen poetry essays for pupils to complete. Suitable to use in class but designed to be set as homework. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Aristotle's Unities on one doc. A graph of Shakespeare's structure on another, with terms. Students can add details of their own play to the graph. Then discuss how Shakespeare has moved away from the... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A booklet I put together in 2016. I know there are a few things in here that I lifted from ideas shared by others, but it was so long ago that I cannot remember which elements were magpied from greate... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A resource I have used to help students to see the plot arc through only the first 2-3 sentences of every chapter. Helps to really drive home deliberate structural choices Orwell made.I have also used... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A lesson I have run with various texts (just adjust the questions).I print the file off for the students and give them a library lesson/ homework time to respond to each question.Notes on how to run t... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Observation for HA year 9 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Do Now tasks for A Christmas Carol that focus on key quotations and language analysis. Increasing difficulty within the tasks. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A start of unit homework menu, with a variety of tasks suitable for mixed ability classes VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
A start of unit homework menu, with a variety of tasks suitable for mixed ability classes. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
A start of unit homework task sheet, including a range of tasks for mixed ability classes. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
A series of lessons delving into characterisation and the establishment of Gothic tropes in Stave 1 of ACC. This work follows the cold read lessons so students already have a knowledge of the text as... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
A list of statements for students to explore which helps them to develop a clear argument for responses to exam questions. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A brief selection of feedback on Lit Paper 2. Please note this is a very brief and rough guide to Lit Paper 2. I have included a table which talks you through the typical characteristics for each of t... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Slides to display on the board for 'Live Marking' during a lesson along with smaller versions for students to stick in their books for self/peer assessment also. There are 2 for ks3 and the others are... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
An abridged version of 'An Inspector Calls' for low ability / EAL/ AEN students. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Malthusian Theory lesson. I give the enotes as pre-reading to the lesson and the other articles to explore in lesson before writing a response. I have used this with both high and low abil... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A collection of 5 lessons where students conduct a cold read of ACC making timelines of the events / writing summaries and then explore character and setting. 4 of these lessons feature a low stakes q... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
A series of extracts with accompanying exam questions to help prepare students for Literature Paper 1. Our team will use this for year 11 lessons this year. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
An Abridged Version of Dickens' A Christmas Carol that I found somewhere online (sorry I can't remember where) and then edited slightly for my LA year 10 group.This is not entirely my work. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A power point that helps students explore key scenes on the theme of love. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Context sheet to accompany the Fate power point. To use with the chalk and cheese task. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A power point exploring the theme of fate. A context sheet is also needed for the chalk and cheese task if you wish to use it. This will be uploaded separately. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A word document breaking down what students need to cover in their revision including character, theme and plot, with questions to help guide their revision and an example revision timetable. Tex... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Paper 2, Set Exam Texts (Novels), Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Range of useful resources for Christmas carol. Powerpoints, essays etc VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Help for those pupils who might want some extra assistance with their understanding of the text VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Wish I could take the credit for this but cannot ! Found this an excellent resource to use with my students and so just passing it on to others who may not have come across it yet. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Booklet is designed around style of AQA Lang paper 1 section A questions whilst exploring set text text for Literature. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Set of powerpoints used to teach 19th century text for AQA syllabus. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
The idea grew out of making links to contemporary songs to use as a way in to discussing themes, ideas, concepts and character mindset in Macbeth. Found that it was also good for getting ideas of cont... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Sentence starters help sheets for language and literature. The sheets use the acronym SEIZE (statement,evidence, inference, zoom on specific word in depth and effect). As a department we have found th... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Exemplar Material, Paper 1, Paper 2, Writing
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A lesson in which students have to argue for different interpretations of the character of The Inspector.Taught to mixed ability Year 10. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Taught to Year 9.Introductory lesson to 'The Farmer's Bride'- context and basic analysis. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Taught to Year 9.Two lessons on 'Singh Song!' starting with context and then language analysis. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Taught to Year 9.Two lessons on 'Porphyria's Lover', starting with an investigation lesson and then a language analysis lesson. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
(I know there should be an apostrophe in the title but it won't let me compress the file with it in!!)Taught to Year 9.Introduction to 'Love's Philosophy', context and basic analysis. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A fun, end-of-term lesson taught to Year 10 as a revision tool.A series of questions based on context, themes, quotes and characterisation. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Very basic introduction to the key characters in 'Macbeth'. I printed them off and gave them to students to read aloud to the class.Taught to Year 7 as part of an Introduction to Shakespeare unit.&nbs... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A range of thesis statements in worksheets for students to analyse.Used as a revision tool for Year 11. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A range of key-quotations from the novel, in Swiss-Army Knife form for students to analyse. Used as a revision tool for year 11. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Fun, end-of-term lesson in which students drew bingo grids in their books and then looked for the techniques in the unseen poems on the PPT.The idea was that they would then have the technique and an... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Taught to year 9.In this lesson, students attempted to analyse an unseen poem without reading it in its entirety. Based on 'Valentine' by Carol-Ann Duffy VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
In this lesson, I gave students two biscuits with some similar features (Oreos and Chocolate Chip Cookies). They then went on to write up a GCSE unseen comparison style response based on the table.Thi... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
This lesson was taught as unseen poetry for my Year 9 who were studying the 'Love and Relationships' cluster, but could be adapted as an anthology lesson. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
'Remains' by Simon Armitage.PPT contains basic context and language analysis. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Posters with assessment objectives for AQA GCSE English Literature. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Wall Displays
Exam/Board: AQA
AQA moderated Lit P1 scripts, mainly 'Macbeth'. Annotated. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials, Exemplar Material, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
A scheme of learning (10 lessons) and resources for preparing students for AQA Literature Paper 2 Section C VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Each pupil is assigned a poem from the anthology. They then go round the class and 'date' the other poems to work out what they have in common. Those which are best 'matched' are the ones to compare i... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Does what it says on the tin... 4 sets of quotations (3 chapters per page) with questions. I print these 2 pages to a sheet, so students have quotations and questions on the same page. Work... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A series of Top Trumps cards for Sign of Four - introduced at chapter 6 for Holmes, Watson, Mary, Sholto and Jones (and then kept to add Small once novella finished). Fairly versatile - not my im... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A ppt for a low ability group on the poem Checking out me history. It is a mix of resources that have been compiled from different ppts, apologies if any come from you. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A ppt that goes through the poem Tissue from the power and conflict collection. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
The cold-read of Macbeth I have tried for the first time this year. I don't analyse anything, but make regular checks on knowledge. This was inspired by Jennifer Webb - How to Teach English Literature... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
This education pack is designed as an accompaniment to Blackeyed Theatre’s 2019/20 production of Jane Eyre, which tours across the UK throughout autumn 2019 and spring 2020. It includes informati... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
This education pack is designed as an accompaniment to Blackeyed Theatre’s 2018/19 production of Sherlock Holmes: The Sign Of Four, which toured across the UK, the Neth... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Useful background to "Blood Brothers" VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA, Eduqas
Useful revision for the play "An inspector calls" VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA, Eduqas
Synopsis of the play "Blood Brothers" for introduction or revision. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA, Eduqas
Useful chain of events for "An inspector calls". Blank attached for revision lesson VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA, Eduqas
This is a crib sheet given to lower ability y10, explaining Hero's context. It integrates (and explains) some of the key quotations used in relation to Hero.Could be very easy to adapt to Juliet, or a... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Macbeth revision quiz VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Here are 15 unseen poems written by the poets from the Power and Conflict anthology. They each include a retrieval task for the poems from the anthology. They are easy to adapt depending on your... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Writing tasks for each of the Power and Conflict poems to get the students thinking about an interpretation of a message in the poem and practice for their opinion writing needed for Language Paper 2. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
This accompanies the Romeo and Juliet quotes which I have previously posted. Students learn the original quote. Then, they are tested to see if they can fill in the gaps on the same images. Finally, s... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
I have made this myself. The file is set to A3 so you might want reprographics to print and laminate. It's an original source made by me. I displayed the characters on one side, and... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Wall Displays
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Schemes of Work
Vocabulary to develop analysis of key texts (Macbeth, AIC and ACC) Designed for homework based on an idea from someone else in this group (sorry...can't remember the name...but thank you) to find and... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Schemes of Work
Exam/Board: AQA
I originally made this for my own use so it would need some condensing before distributing to students. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
A resource used between first teaching of anthology poems to guide students into making connections and being able to plan exam answers. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Powerpoint used in final lesson before the literature exam to offer students advice and remind them of key skills. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
This is a knowledge organiser that is around Roman myths and legends - it has the Greek names as well. I decided to go with Roman names because I wanted to link it to Shakespeare. The myths are all re... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Useful for an introduction to An Inspector calls VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA, WJEC, Eduqas
Harry Leslie Smith was an RAF Pilot who was born into poverty in the 1920s - he discusses life for his working class Yorkshire family and the impact that a society without welfare has on the individua... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
I have used these lessons this week with my Yr10 class in preparation for their mocks. They could however be used with next year's Yr11s just as easily though. I hope they are helpful. Included are:Mo... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Exemplar Material, Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A combination of flip learning/pre-reading/vocabulary/literacy resources for some of the poems in the Power and Conflict cluster. The idea behind it was that pupils would see the same words (from the... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Zip file of smaller ppts - all poems are in anthology order in clusters of 2 or 3. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
I divide the class into teams. Someone from each team comes up and looks at my theme map for 10 seconds only. The task is for the group to recreate the theme map I have produced as accurately as possi... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Interleaved activity to get the students thinking about the characters, themes, and context, whilst honing their Language Paper 2 opinion based writing. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Some key quotes from the play with images for the students to use for revision (or display in classrooms). VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A very simple set of slides to use as an introduction to Shakespeare's theatre. I have used this with KS3 and KS4. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A couple of slides about how setting reflects themes in chapters 5 and 6 of Frankenstein. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Some background notes on Prometheus and Paradise Lost in relation to Frankenstein. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Some notes and ideas about Mary Shelley's life and how it may have influenced Frankenstein VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
What is the significance of the beast in ‘Lord of the Flies’? This worksheet supports an exploration of major quotations and builds to planning an essay on the theme of the beast. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
This resource helps students to explore the structure of Carol Rumens' poem The Emigrée, and helps students to push their ideas to explore alternative readings and connections with other poems.NB: som... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
This resource breaks down how to construct an essay with a focus on ideas about oppression in The Emigrée and London. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
This is a sheet I use with year 11s to sharpen up their poetry comparison essay writing and planning. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
This worksheet is a way of scaffolding students' ideas comparing the methods that both poets use. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
2 questions in the AQA GCSE English Lit paper 2 format. One on Ted Hughes Thistles. The other comparing it to Nettles by Vernon Scannell. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
A wide range of questions on powerpoint slides. This is an engaging homework task that inspires independent essay planning and is shared with the whole class. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A simple revision grid for Lord of the Flies to help students revise plot, characters, symbols and themes VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Some challenging vocab in flashcards. No definitions.bourgeoiseburdencapitalismcoercedcondonesconsciencecontemptdelusionaldeceptivedisengageddomesticitydupedduplicitousdysfunctionalEdwardianegocentric... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Allows students to analyse quotations in detail and by considering four different perspectives. Worksheet can be applied to any text and allows low ability students to improve their analytical skills.... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 3
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Reading
Exam/Board: AQA
Useful booklet found online. Marks awarded are specific to Eduqas exam board but tasks would suit all boards. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: Eduqas
Pre- exam crammer I suggest you put exam question on A3 for them to plan VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Twenty key quotes from Macbeth with questions to aid annotation. Created as starter tasks for revision at the start of literature lessons. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
I used this to revise the novel the week before the exam. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
These resources have been shared originally by the marvellous @SPryke and others on the Twitter community, for which I am very grateful. I've adapted them into a couple of revision sessions for... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A lesson focusing on the use of motifs to provide a more 'widespread' analysis across the play and novel as a whole. I hope it is helpful. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Contains a range of quotations from A Christmas Carol sorted into thematic categories. Each quote is contextualised within the novel and explained. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
8 extract questions - trying to track the play.May be useful to adapt. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Romeo and Juliet: presentation of death in 5.3Jekyll and Hyde: duality of man in Chapter 10 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Poppies was part of a collection of poems commissioned by Carol Ann Duffy in 2009. Here are some of the remainder of the poems to used for unseen poetry. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
A reading skills homework for the poem Charge of the Light Brigade. Questions to show understanding of the content of the poem/language used with a few contextual, multiple choice questions at the end... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Can be used with the narrative perspective lesson or alone - adapted from Leanda Green's resources VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
I adapted this, I think, from Leanda Green (thank you) and might be useful for HAP groups on epistolary form and narrative perspectives VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A PPT for revision that runs through how to approach Paper 1. Includes AQA sentence stems and advice from the examiner. Possibly useful for immediately before the examination or in the lead up to asse... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: IGCSE
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: IGCSE
More reading than tasks but hopefully useful! VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Section A questions on An Inspector Calls, Lord of the Flies, Never Let me Go and Animal Farm.Section B questions on Power and Conflict: My Last DuchessSection C Poems: Rejection and First Love VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
English Literature Paper One AQA style, with a question on Macbeth, Jekyll and Hyde and A Christmas Carol.A mark scheme has also been supplied with indicative content for the corresponding questions (... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
A reading skills homework for the poem Storm on the Island. Questions to show understanding of the content of the poem/language used with a few contextual, multiple choice questions at the end. Create... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
For visual learners (answers on ppt - using images from Baz Luhrmann film version) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Short quotations linked to themes in the play. Themes from previous papers omitted. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels), Writing
Exam/Board: AQA
A sequence of context lessons - poverty, workhouses, gender roles, education, culture VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
I have created/adapted there over the years. These are PETER/CASA paragraphs. You can use them to answer any question for English Literature papers. They give the students the opportunity to be a... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
This comparison of The Identification and Nettles was used in one-to-one tutoring with a LA learner, but it can be adapted to be used with any students. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA, Eduqas
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, Eduqas
A reading skills homework for the poem London. Questions to show understanding of the content of the poem/language used with a few contextual, multiple choice questions at the end. Created for a low a... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A reading skills homework for the poem Ozymandias. Questions to show understanding of the content of the poem/language used with a few contextual, multiple choice questions at the end. Created for a l... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Here are some of your favourite poems (as mentioned in the facebook chat). I use them as quick lesson starters to encourage students to focus on A02. This is helping to dispel the 'unseen poetry... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
Checklist for students VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Unashamedly copied from a revise guide made by Matthew Lynch -no idea where I got the guide from, so I can't credit it properly-sorry...this worksheet really helped my students to extend th... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Edit as you wish. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A collection of poems from diverse authors to use as unseen poems, discussion points, challenging conversation starters and inspiration for events like Black History Month. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
A series of questions for prose, poetry and drama to help teachers plan and students to think more independently... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Poetry Anthologies, Set Exam Texts (Novels), Shakespeare, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
Differentiated mats with analytical vocabulary, glossaries and exemplars. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Writing
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
Laminate for students to keep in their pencil case! VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Writing
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A revision sheet for students to work through independently as a revision method.I print onto A3 Paper for them to fill in. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A revision sheet for students to work through independently as a revision method.I print onto A3 Paper for them to fill in. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A revision sheet for students to work through independently as a revision method.I print onto A3 Paper for them to fill in. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A display of tier 2 analytical vocabulary (works really well to promote more sophisticated student expression), and some other nice quotations about why reading is great! VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Assessment Materials, Exemplar Material, Paper 1, Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies, Schemes of Work, Set Exam Texts (Novels), Shakespeare, Unseen Poetry, Wall Displays, Writing
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
Full SOW for Jekyll & Hyde. Aimed at Edexcel GCSE Literature, but easily adaptable to other boards. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Schemes of Work
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, WJEC, Eduqas
Full SOW for An Inspector Calls. Designed for Edexcel GCSE Literature, but easily adapted to other exam boards. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Schemes of Work
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, WJEC, Eduqas
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
Use as a starter, plenary or homework. An idea I saw and adapted for each of the power and conflict poems. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Use as a starter, plenary or homework. An idea I saw and adapted for each of the power and conflict poems. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Use as a starter, plenary or homework. An idea I saw and adapted for each of the power and conflict poems. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Use as a starter, plenary or homework. An idea I saw and adapted for each of the power and conflict poems. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Use as a starter, plenary or homework. An idea I saw and adapted for each of the power and conflict poems. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
One of the example exam questions I have used with year 11 for a timed essay. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
In order that learners can effectively compare, I find this planning sheet really helps. Essentially, once this planning is done, the learner just needs to add the 'meat to the bones' from each... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A lesson to support students with English Literature, Paper 2, Section C. A comparison of 'Nettles' and 'Upon my son Samuel...' VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
An extract question and reduced mark scheme for Year 9 study of Macbeth VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
10 lessons used with mixed ability students exploring Act 1 of J.B. Priestley's An Inspector Calls. Uses interleaved learning techniques and insight gained from over 5 years examining this text.&... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Schemes of Work
Exam/Board: AQA
'Balderdash' style activity.A fun way to get pupils remembering quotes from the play - you can always get them to create their own. Good for a starter/entrance activity. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, WJEC, Eduqas
Lesson on potential theories behind who the inspector is. Also looking at the photographs, and how they could be used by the inspector to encourage responsibility. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Frankenstein SOW VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
This sheet can be printed for each student. It allows for quick and easy marking by simply writing in their mark then ticking the boxes for their EBI targets to show them how to improve in future.&nbs... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
We requested some marked scripts in 2017 and I've eventually uploaded them. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
We requested some marked scripts in 2017 and I've eventually uploaded them. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
We requested some marked scripts in 2017 and I've eventually uploaded them. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Table for students to complete using the 'Both... Both... However' structure. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Copies of poems and blank grid for students to complete. Works well as independent practice for Section C of AQA English Literature Paper 2. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
A lesson considering the shift in Lord Capulet from 1.2 to 3.5. created for revision, but possible to use in initial teaching VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
Easily adaptable revision tasks for Macbeth. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
I took the first part of this from TES (free upload) and then added all of the character quotes at the end. I will be using this booklet for my year group revision sessions on AIC, with an aim of focu... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
AQA Marking crib sheets for A Christmas Carol, An Inspector Calls, Romeo & Juliet, Power & Conflict poetry. Generic and linked to AO's. I just highlight specific bullet points for each student... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Numeric codes for Literature and Language Paper Reading Section, and Alpha codes for Language Paper Writing Section (consolidated from others' similar resources on the site). VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
A study guide created from information from Blackeyed Theatre on Tes and adapted to be used as a revision aid. Includes various contextual information that students may find interesting and a practice... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Two Tasks for the opening interaction between Juliet and Paris.1) First EncountersCompare the shared sonnet (1.5) and First shared scene with Paris (4.1)2) Power StruggleFollow modal verbs and staging... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Tasks and annotation of 'Love Without Hope' by Robert Graves. Useful for KS3/ 4 poetry. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 3
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry
2 of 2To accompany the Ppt of the same name VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
1 of 2A short Ppt to take students through the stages of writing this question from Act 1 Sc2. Look out for the exam question of the same name VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A simple chart for students to complete showing contrast from stave 1 to stave 5. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Comparing two unseen poems. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
1. Students to play memory game where they try to remember as many as they can2. Students to then link images to either a quotation, idea, theme, character etc3. Share ideas with cla... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A short term plan for a christmas carol. detailed lesson and resources to go with it (although in my other resource that I uploaded.) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
These are the resources to go with the SOW for A Christmas Carol VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Activity one explores similes about love taken from 19 classic and contemporary songs including Alicia Keys, 50 cent and Beyonce. Activity two sees students group the similes according to e... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies, Shakespeare, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
Comparison question on feelings of love in Wendy Cope's Waterloo Bridge and Valentine by Tom Pickard. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Literature exam style questions to get students thinking about which poems they'd compare and why. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A generic guide to tackling the Shakespeare task. Aimed to move into B4/G5Only works for AQA VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
This is a marked answer. It has a very clear structure from thesis that is signposted in each paragraph.It is also short and very accessible. I made my class identify the thesis, mark it using the sel... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
A self-assessment task sheet for use with essays.I used this with a 25/25 Macbeth marked answer then their own answers. (I have uploaded separately.) MRI is what we call DIRT. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
A series of reflection questions about what students did before, during and after Lit Paper 1 mock exam.Thank you to the person who shared this idea originally. This is a very detailed series of... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Schemes of Work
A summary of all previous AQA Lit and Language questions and texts VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials, Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
So far:Bayonet ChargeWar PhotographerCharge of the Light BrigadeRemainsincluding: creative writing, comparative essay, lesson ideas VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Factual Knowledge questions for each act - simple facts or quotes to recall to test knowledge and build confidence.Generative Knowledge questions designed to delve into the meaning and analysis of the... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
You say, we pay - a fun interactive revision lesson based on Macbeth. Can be tweaked for each Act or context etc. Make sure learners cannot see teacher's monitor and don't move slides on u... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
Quick A Christmas Carol quiz with bronze, silver, and gold questions. Focuses mainly on Stave 1, Stave 2, and the context of the novella. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
An intro lesson to A Christmas Carol and the character of Scrooge that focuses on Dickens's use of language to present his main character. Annotations provided. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Worksheets with suitable quotations for the theme of power of nature (Power and Conflict poetry cluster). VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A revision booklet with a range of starter tasks/revision worksheets for GCSE English Literature Paper 1 A Christmas Carol. At the back of the booklet there is space for you to add your own exam quest... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Quick Romeo and Juliet quiz that is suitable for a starter or revision. Questions are differentiated by bronze, silver, and gold, and require increasingly levels of detail/knowledge of the play. Easil... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
4 revision starter tasks that link to all four of the assessment objectives for AQA GCSE English Literature. Quotations mainly link to Act 1 (as this was where my class were up to at the time of makin... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
16 extract based questions on Romeo and Juliet that could be used for mocks or shared with students for revision VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A collection of structure strips I created. Students can glue these down the side of a page in their exercise books and use the strip as a prompt and to support the structure of their answer. Can... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
'Macbeth' context. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A modified version of 'Poetry Comparison'. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A resource to help stimulate some ideas for comparing poems. See also Poetry Comparison GCSE which is slightly modified. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Raps of the anthology poems, comparison raps, and more. They help to make the poems more memorable and bring them off the page. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
I thought ' You' on Netflix might be a good hook into the poem.. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Gives the students an opportunity to discuss their views on the concept of responsibility. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Looking at writer's message, context and Gerald in Act 2 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Revision for short stories, ACC, Macbeth and Love and Relationship Poetry VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A revision intro lesson for Yr11 with a fair few HAPs. Focus is on key and inferential messages of poems including abstract metaphors. Some of the work was taken from LitDrive resources wi... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A lesson on the analysis of Walton in Letter 1 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A lesson that to the teaching of the start of chapter 5, with a specific focus on the language analysis skills needed to Lang P1, Q2 and 4. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
printed and laminated for SEND class.Can then be used as a starter of plenary activity with students writing on them in whiteboard pen. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Paper 2
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
I created this for my very low ability Year 10. There are differentiated tasks on there as well.Some lessons are adapted from a scheme I found on TES. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
'little tree' e e cummings 'The Voice of a Discarded Christmas Tree' Murray Lachlan Young VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
Whoosh - Whole class drama activity to cover the plot VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A quick recap for pupils on how to respond to a RnJ question.Could be tweaked for any Shakespeare play - or prose text. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A newly discovered Shakespeare play - David and Ben Crystal VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Some useful literary terms - RnJ specific but can be used more generally. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
A selection of AQA GCSE writing tasks from both paper 1 and paper 2 inspired by poems from the Power and Conflict cluster. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Based on the black and white Alistair Sim film, images and names of the characters are in a diagram which can be added to. You could map the relationships between characters and the impact each charac... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Powerpoint: I have used these flashcards and revision videos with my Y11s. They are separated into character/themes VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Powerpoint: I have used these flashcards and revision videos with my Y11s. They are separated into character/themes VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Part 3: 13 lessons that focus on the plot and characters in The Tempest. Students watched the play before studying these lessons. Some lessons have been adapted from TES/ Teachit resources; resou... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Part 2: 13 lessons that focus on the plot and characters in The Tempest. Students watched the play before studying these lessons. Some lessons have been adapted from TES/ Teachit resources; resou... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Part 1: 13 lessons that focus on the plot and characters in The Tempest. Students watched the play before studying these lessons. Some lessons have been adapted from TES/ Teachit resources; resou... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A question for each poem in the AQA cluster: POWER AND CONFLICT VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
A question for each poem from the AQA cluster: LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
This allows students to create an ideas led comparison of the two poems. I get students to write their points in the boxes and then just indicate which quote they will use with and arrow. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Used to push my top set into bands 5 and 6 of the Literature mark scheme using key phrases. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A handy mat for use with KS3/4 students when they analyse a poem. It features steps to help them annotate the poem, includes key techniques they are likely to find, and also features two choices of wr... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies, Unseen Poetry
A full text of Romeo and Juliet turned into a poster. I use this as a base for my displays, it could also be used to pick out specific parts of the play for full text analysis. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Shakespeare, Wall Displays
A resource I found handy for LA students who were struggling to write about the reader in a detailed way. It takes the think/feel/understand structure and builds on it for the students. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Paper 2
National Theatre guide- was free to download, so should be OK for copyright. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
This is The National Theatre guide to the play, but it was free to download, so I think it's OK for copyright. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Some brief, and a bit rambly, background on how Shakespeare's plays were stages in the 16th and 17th centuries. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
PPT Letters From Yorkshire VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
PPT Singh Song VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
PPT The Farmer's Bride VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
PPT Love's Philosophy VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
PPT Porphyria's Lover VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
PPT Sonnet 29 I Think of Thee VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
PPT When We Two Parted VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
PPT for Winter Swans VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
PPT for Neutral Tones VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Many resources. SOW is just scene by scene with suggested approaches to work. Can be manipulated for different teaching sets. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
What are the subtle distinctions between levels on the mark scheme. A document to work with students. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
When I taught this lesson, I also had some images depicting different types of conflict and power and mixed these in with the poem summaries. I'm not sure where I've saved these to so have only includ... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
PETAL practice for Lord of the Flies. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
A great Teachit pack on R&J. Includes sample questions for different exam boards. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
We use SQAQAQA (SATEMENT, QUOTE, ANALYSE etc) as Edexcel said they want more coverage - obviously this can be used for AQA, too. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
This was to really make sure they have read the whole thing. I gave them a 'pass' mark of 75%. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
We use this in Year 9 but could be used at any stage with the right differentiation. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A powerpoint to use while teaching or revising Jekyll's character VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Students can stick this strip down the centre of the page, then add quote and comments as they read. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A lesson and worksheet that I have used for SEN year 10. The cartoon that is referenced is the Shakespeare animated tales :Macbeth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfnUq2_0FOY VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Three analysis sheets (one for each stanza) for the poem Bayonet Charge. These were created using Microsoft Publisher and are set to print on A3 paper. I gave pairs of students one stanza to focus on,... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
An introductory lesson to the Shakey play Macbeth using the characters of the Simpsons to help student grasp it. May be of particular use to lower sets. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Character table for Frankenstein, aides students who are struggling with identifying the links between the characters. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Made this for my SEN class to help with annotating but could be used for mixed ability as well. It is on TES but this is my resource. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Health warning: written ages ago VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Health warning: I wrote this years ago: when there was still curse work! You may need to tweak it. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
Power and Conflict cluster: Storm on the Island and Exposure: the power of nature VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Exemplar Material, Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Generic writing mat with sentence starters VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Writing
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
This is a book that I found with lots of worksheets that you can photocopy for LA/ SEN learners of English. I hope this helps you in your teaching x VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Structure Strips to aid students in constructing their argument in comparing anthology poetry - to be stuck in books. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A brief exploration of the religious references in 'Romeo and Juliet'Also relevant at KS5 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
By no means exhaustive VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
An introduction to the religious background of Shakespeare's plays. Play specific docs can be found elsewhere. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
Note: the notes are accurate. My interpretation, like anyone's, is up for discussion/argument. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
30 mark tick box mark scheme with added explanation of features of each level from AQA materials. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials, Paper 1, Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Context lesson for A Christmas Carol linking to Dickens' purpose and attitude to Christmas. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
GCSE Lit P1 - assessment objectives explained VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
This is a letter I gave to some year 11 students to help them teach a whole lesson on the significance of mirrors in the novel. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A selection of relevant words and phrases for each of the 15 Power and Conflict poems for AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 2. Designed to provide a prompt for pupils whilst writing and to encourage t... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Prompts for students to consider - my class annotated with their AO3 knowledge and made connections between their ideas for revision. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A PowerPoint containing poems & essay questions. I used this with my class for them to annotate the poem in timed conditions and thought I would upload to save someone some time! VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Band 1-4 Lit P1 for teachers VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
Bands 1-4 in, I hope, pupil speak for Lit P1 - focus on 'Macbeth' and 'A Christmas Carol' but easily adaptable for other texts. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Lesson based on SAMS Paper from 2015 (extract from Act 3 Scene 2 Lines 1-31) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Nothing like quotation bunting to make a classroom more festive. I printed double sided (flip on short edge) on coloured paper - try for a slightly heavier stock. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Shakespeare
Quotation Postcards for:Friar LawrenceTybaltLady CBenvolioNurseFateLight/Dark ImageryJuliet and light imagerynautical imageryoverview of the different forms used to express love VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Shakespeare
A useful (I think) way to look at character in pretty much any text and pupils to all the work!Suitable for all key stages. The example is 'Macbeth'. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Paper 2, Wall Displays
A collection of key quotation. Pupils can cut them out in card and write down themes/analysis on the back of each. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A fairly comprehensive look at the context for 'Macbeth'Please ask if you need any clarification. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Ten words each week for 5 weeks to boost vocabulary (The final week of half term will be a few from each week). Students are required to learn the spelling, write the definition and use the word... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Aimed at GCSE Literature, 5 ways to say something meaningful about a quotation with worked examples VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Poetry Anthologies, Set Exam Texts (Novels), Shakespeare, Unseen Poetry
Context for 'Romeo and Juliet' as defined in the AQA guidelines. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Some general background on Shakespeare's plays in production and on the page. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
8 starters (2 to a page) for 'An Inspector Calls'. Quick questions that pupils can answer quickly, plus a more challenging and open-ended quotation explosion as an extension. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Hi All,I hope last years LTP is useful to some people who may want to split their Lit & Lang over 2 years. We do Lit at the end of year 10 & Lang at the end of year 11 - with progress above NA... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Lesson(s) on Exposure and Remains for P&C poetry. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Jekyll and Hyde display photos: key quotes for each chapter, key characters and Freud's theory linked to J&H. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Wall Displays
Exam/Board: AQA
With simple comprehension questions to check students' basic understanding. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A 19 minute podcast lecture comparing "Checking Out Me History" and "The Emigree", focusing on loss of identity in both poems and covering examples of AO2 and enriching AO3 information. The lect... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Knowledge Organiser for Romeo and Juliet VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Indicative content self/peer assessment for R&J homework tasks VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Front cover to RAG. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
6th of six Romeo and Juliet homework tasks VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
5th of six Romeo and Juliet homework tasks VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
4th of six homework tasks on Romeo and Juliet VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Third of six Romeo and Juliet Homework Tasks VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Second of six homework tasks for Romeo and Juliet VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
First of 6 homework tasks for Romeo and Juliet VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
4 variations of bingo cards with symbols for typical gothic tropes. Use as a fun listening aid for a short teacher lecture introducing the gothic, or when analysing gothic extracts or watching g... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A notes frame to accompany "Bayonet Charge/ Exposure Comparison Lecture" providing students with a frame for their listening notes, the key quotations referred to in the lecture and a suggestion of ho... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A 26 minute recorded lecture comparing Bayonet Charge with Exposure. Covers five key comparative points and includes contextual information, with assumed basic understanding of the two po... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Macbeth's Act 1.VII and Act 2.I soliloquys presented in Wordle. Can look at key words, common words or semantic fields. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A set of images for each of the AQA Conflict poems. Details abotu how to use them can be found here:http://creativeenglish.co.uk/conflict-poetry-5-ways-to-use-image-strips VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
I made this to kickstart revision after a long gap. It has mini copies of each poem for sorting and linking. I used it to prompt my class to begin to select their personal core of favourites, ensuring... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Character, theme and key quote posters for An Inspector Calls display VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Wall Displays
An Inspector Calls character quote posters for display / revision VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Wall Displays
A copy of the poem with guided analysis questions. This was initially designed to support very LA pupils with making meaningful annotations, but has also been used with higher ability pupils and p... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A copy of the poem with guided analysis questions. This was initially designed to support very LA pupils with making meaningful annotations, but has also been used with higher ability pupils and p... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A copy of the poem with guided analysis questions. This was initially designed to support very LA pupils with making meaningful annotations, but has also been used with higher ability pupils and p... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A copy of the poem with guided analysis questions. This was initially designed to support very LA pupils with making meaningful annotations, but has also been used with higher ability pupils and pupil... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A worksheet for developing language analysis skills for 'Checking Out Me History'. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Extract is quite long but useful to go through with a class :-) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A pre exam warm up session based on AIC, P&C poems and Unseen VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies, Set Exam Texts (Novels), Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Images to accompany the Macbeth, Birds of Prey lecture with key quotations and indications of AOs. Can be shown on the board during the lecture, used as display posters or printed off for studen... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A 22 minute recorded lecture on birds of prey and bird imagery in Macbeth: eagles, falcons, owls, kites. Covers a good range of AO3 context as well as detailed analysis of the connotations of th... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Basic snapshots of really useful and accessible information from the Imperial War Museum's WW1 wing that links to Bayonet Charge. A variety of lengths of information, from short quotations from... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A student friendly version of the lit AQA mark scheme VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A simple tick box sheet for GCSE students to check the quality of their poetry comparison essays. Can also be used to aid teacher/private tutor marking and feedback. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA, WJEC
A simple tick box sheet for GCSE students to check the quality of their literature essays. Can also be used to aid teacher/private tutor marking and feedback. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Paper 2, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Fezziwig Assessment powerpoint. The extract is available in any copy of the novella. Targets LA/MA, but can be adapted. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Short revision videos, used for homework. Good for spiral learning (brief revisits to previous work during another topic). This is one video from the channel.NOTE: The channel is not monetized. It was... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Poetry Anthologies, Set Exam Texts (Novels), Shakespeare, Writing
Exam/Board: AQA
Useful as a starting point for revision. I hope it helps- modify as necessary for your set texts and poems. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Poetry Anthologies, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Contextual notes from a meeting with Beatrice Garland. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Published by AQA VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Published by AQA VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Published by AQA VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Can be used as a teaching resource to dip into, or for independent student revision. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A whole lesson to aid in teaching Poppies for AQA Literature Paper 2, Section B. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A whole lesson to aid in teaching Remains for AQA Literature Paper 2, Section B. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A whole lesson to aid in teaching Bayonet Charge for AQA Literature Paper 2, Section B. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A whole lesson to aid in teaching The Charge of the Light Brigade for AQA Literature Paper 2, Section B. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A whole lesson to aid in teaching Ozymandias for AQA Literature Paper 2, Section B. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A whole lesson to aid in teaching My Last Duchess for AQA Literature Paper 2, Section B. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
GCSE Eduqas English Language Exam Paper Component 1. Overall awarded Grade 4. (Texts were Romeo and Juliet and Poetry Anthology). VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Exemplar Material, Paper 1
Exam/Board: WJEC
GCSE Eduqas English Language Exam Paper Component 2. Overall awarded Grade 4. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Exemplar Material, Paper 2
Exam/Board: WJEC
GCSE Eduqas English Literature Exam Paper Component 1. Overall awarded Grade 5. Chosen texts were Romeo and Juliet and the Poetry Anthology. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Exemplar Material, Paper 1
Exam/Board: WJEC
GCSE Eduqas English Literature Exam Paper Component 2. Overall awarded Grade 5. Chosen texts were Blood Brothers and A Christmas Carol. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Exemplar Material, Paper 2
Exam/Board: WJEC
GCSE Eduqas English Literature Exam Paper Component 2. Overall awarded Grade 6. Chosen texts were Blood Brothers and A Christmas Carol. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Exemplar Material, Paper 2
Exam/Board: WJEC
GCSE Eduqas English Literature Exam Paper Component 1. Overall awarded Grade 7. Chosen texts were Romeo and Juliet and Poetry Anthology. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials, Paper 1
Exam/Board: WJEC
GCSE Eduqas English Literature Exam Paper Component 2. Overall awarded Grade 8. Chosen texts were Blood Brothers and A Christmas Carol. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Exemplar Material, Paper 2
Exam/Board: WJEC
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
A PowerPoint presentation allowing students to understand context, language and structure of Remains. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Goes with PPT Ignorance and Want. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
PPT lesson on Ignorance and Want for students (4-6 targets). Uses PETAL to get students used to what needs to be in their written responses. Has a worksheet to go with it. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
A series of sophisticated phrases useful for literature analysis. I have saved this to my desktop and just change the question each time I use it. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Poetry, 19th Century Literature, Poetry Anthologies, Shakespeare, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Helpful revision task to focus on some useful quotations to learn for the exam. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A task to help students understand the stave structure, with prompts as to plot and Scrooge's character change. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Helpful focus on key quotations from Romeo and Juliet, with the added focus on language AO2. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A task to help students focus on the subject terminology to be used with Romeo and Juliet (teacher copy) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Student copy of the task to help students focus on the subject terminology to be used with Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
An essay comparing nature in the two poems from the power and conflict anthology, highlighted and annotated. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Introduction to the style of stage directions used in the play. Made for Set 2 Year 10 but need a fair bit of support so might want to edit questions to suit your class. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Used with a set 2 year 10 class. 'London' in the middle of A3 page with differentiated/graded questions around the outside. Can be edited to suit your class :) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
In the hope to get students recalling the play as a whole, will ask them to evaluate the student statement, make links to the play as a whole and justify responses. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A level 3 (clear) student comparison.Starting with Storm on the Island, how do poets present the effects of the natural world. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Starting with Storm on the Island, how do poets present the effects of the natural world?A thoughtful and developed comparison. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
I used this with lower set year 11 to get them to write down 3 quotes they could revise for each poem, then look at comparing them. I gave them an extra copy to cut out the pictures and mix and... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
I used this with lower set year 11 to get them to write down 3 quotes they could revise for each poem, then look at comparing them. I gave them an extra copy to cut out the pictures and mix and... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
The second sheet for revision of Power and Conflict Poetry (AQA). VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Exemplar Material, Shakespeare
Two word lists to stretch students towards making evaluative statements about literature texts. GCSE focus, but also useful in KS3 and KS5. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies, Set Exam Texts (Novels), Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Stickers for books showing some key features of strong essays. I use with Year 9 and KS4. There is also a lovely little summary of what fiction is as a reminder that it is a construct. This is from a... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Gathered from a wide range of online and printed resources. Some pages are aimed at LPA, some at HPA. Made as a classroom resource for consultation during lessons. Pick n mix pages. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
A range of paired practice exam questions. Includes the AQA specimins and Summer 17 Qs. Some sourced from existing teacher resources, but I don't remember where. Some made up by me.Tried to cover all... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
A blank template adapted from a Twitter find which will help focus your DIRT by linking it to AOs and success criteria. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
Mark scheme on one page. I tick where students have met criteria for each AO and highlight a target for next time. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
Booklet with fully annotated poems. Looks at devices, context, themes etcDon't know where I got this from as I have had it ages, but thanks to Mr. S. Cox the assumed author who I have been unable to l... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A large 2 sided bookmark scaffolding responses, prompting ideas and supporting authors ideas and context. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A Powerpoint on context in A Christmas Carol. We use it as a generic way to cover context over a few lessons and teachers in the department adapt it to suit their own classes. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
I use this sheet when I've got too much marking to do and no time. As you mark a set of books make notes on what most students did well and not so well. Copy for each student and return it to them wit... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
The plot summarised in 12 quotes. I got students to do the task for homework and we then put together the best 12 quotes. All students then get the final version as a revision tool. ... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Useful for students to use when revising the context to the Love and Relationships poems. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A fun quiz - useful for returning to poetry revision. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Unseen poetry exam task based on Mother any distance and My Father Thought it by Simon Armitage. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials, Paper 2, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Made for a whole day literature revision day for bottom set year 11 for Macbeth and A Christmas Carol but could be helpful as a general overview or task for other classes or year groups. Students wrot... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
A lesson used to help students recognise and analyse structural features in poetry using Spared by Wendy Cope. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Dominoes game for students to play in groups to revise An Inspector Calls context. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A lesson considering main themes in Macbeth and where they are evidenced to create key quotes posters or mind maps. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Lesson to be taken place over a double to allow for timed writing and peer-assessment. The lesson and resources can be easily adapted. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A lesson that focuses on the analysis of the montage scene through the theme of love and relationships. This could be adapted to look at the moment through a different question focus. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A series of mini revision tasks for the AQA poems. Can be used as starter or plenary activities. Some of the summaries are adapted from the CGP revision guide. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A series of mini revision tasks for the AQA poems. Can be used as starter or plenary activities. Some of the summaries are adapted from the CGP revision guide. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A series of mini revision tasks for the AQA poems. Can be used as starter or plenary activities. Some of the summaries are adapted from the CGP revision guide. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Cards laminated and treasury tagged for each student and used to help form points about characters. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Sample essay. Can be edited/marked/revision etc VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Sample essay. Can be edited/marked/revision etc VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Part 1:Print the instructions and the images and prepare the blank display on your wall.Students select the unattributed quotes (next upload) and identify who says them, and complete 'quote explosion'... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Set Exam Texts (Novels), Wall Displays
Exam/Board: AQA
Part 2: Unattributed quotes. Instructions for display in part 1. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Set Exam Texts (Novels), Wall Displays
Exam/Board: AQA
Takes the students through stages to answer the question, can be adapted to other plays. Focus question is on Friar Lawrence VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Designed as a revision for lower ability groups, allows students to explore poetry in a non-threatening way with links to YouTube for the songs. Focus is on heartbreak with 'Up' by Olly Murs fea... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
A PP designed to give a last minute run down of plot, theme, characters, context for 'ACC' & 'RJ' VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Fun for end of term. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Students can use this template to design their own AQA extract based question. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
All key quotes have been extracted for students to analyse. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A range of methods listed for students to explore and analyse. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
For students to explore and annotate. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A medium term plan for teaching 'Macbeth'. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Two mock exam style questions for the 'Love and Relationships' cluster of poetry. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Key Scenes that have not previously come up in an AQA paper. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Exploration of a range of methods used in the play- students must analyse effects. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Worth a read and worth sharing with students. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Skills and key tips for the exam VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
To help students with their language analysis of his character. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A resource to help students write about the writer's use of language. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
An audit which can be modified to gain a clearer understanding of what your class has/ hasn't covered- especially usefully for Year 11 classes that you have inherited. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
An Interview with Carol Rumens about her poem 'The Emigree'. Makes a great read and offers a unique and unheard of interpretation of her own poem. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Can be used with any statement.Great for low ability students to scaffold their work. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Writing
Exam/Board: AQA
AIC quote quilt that I made for my Y11 class. Students colour code the boxes to show which theme the quote applies to.Hopefully it is of use to someone! VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Who doesn't like a free book? VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
Who doesn't like a free book? VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Exemplar Material, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
For students to use and organise the time they have left. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
A selection of bookmarks to aid students' revision. They've got all the basic plot, character, theme and context information. I made a couple of years ago (hence <em>Of Mice and Men</em... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Assessment Materials, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Some things I picked up marking Paper 1Hopefully in pupil speak - but please feel free to edit/adapt/ask for clarification VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
A guide to support the revision of Paper One of the GCSE English Literature exam. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Assessment Materials, Paper 1, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials, Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Homework activity for revision of quotes for Macbeth, An Inspector Calls, A Christmas Carol and the Power and Conflict Anthology. Students are given 5 per week and tested on memory of these. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Power and Conflict Anthology poem, short notes for revision. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Not a model exam answer as too long and teacher-written, but possibly useful for adaptation or for students to annotate.I have modelled how to establish a thesis and pursue it throughout - made this e... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Exemplar Material, 19th Century Literature, Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A PPT that can be made into a set of key quote cards. There are 8 quotes from Macbeth, A Christmas Carol and An Inspector Calls and 2 from each of the poems. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies, Set Exam Texts (Novels), Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Revising whole novel themes as well as practising extract analysis skills for literature paper 1. Can be adapted for all lit texts. Shows progress through the lesson too. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A selection of revision tasks - three per poem - to be used as starter/plenary activities when studying or revising. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Macbeth practice exam question AQA English Literature Paper 1 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials, Paper 1, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials, Paper 1, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials, Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials, Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials, Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
An A3 poster with a few quotes from each of the AQA Power and Conflict poems - designed for my bottom set Y11s to put on their wall at home to aid revision, so more/more challenging quotes could be ad... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A revision resource with all 15 Power and Conflict poems and an image to connect to each poem - can easily be adapted. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A teacher-composed model answer to the question:How do poets present feelings of being powerless in The Prelude by William Wordsworth and one other poem from the anthology? VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Exemplar Material, Paper 2, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
London, Ozymandias, Storm on the Island, ExposureAsk students to choose an appropriate colour for each poem - this is a good way to get conversations going. Some insist Storm on the Island is a blue p... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Poppies, Remains, Charge of the Light Brigade, My Last DuchessAsk students to choose an appropriate colour for each poem – this is a good way to get conversations going. Some insist MLD is a green poe... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
War Photographer, The Emigre, Checking out me History, KamikazeAsk students to choose an appropriate colour for each poem – this is a good way to get conversations going. Some insist The Emigre is a y... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
More suitable for higher ability. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Group work for character analysis in An Inspector Calls VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Unit: Paper 2, Paper 2, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Course: GCSE Literature
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
While the example here links to An Inspector Calls, the principle can be applied to any essay question.I read about this strategy on someone's blog last year (unfortunately I can't now find it) and I... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Assessment Materials, Paper 1, Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies, Set Exam Texts (Novels), Shakespeare, Unseen Poetry
This PowerPoint recaps the poem, offering prompt questions for each stanza. It has been written to serve as a resource for independent revision but could easily be adapted to form a lesson. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies