Revision booklet for Edexcel Literature for Macbeth. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare, Writing
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Key extracts for teaching/printing. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Key extracts for teaching/printing. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Key extracts for teaching/printing. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
PowerPoint of key extracts for teaching/printing. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Supportive resource used with my students to help them develop their independent answers for English Literature. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
A quiz on context and the staves VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Two quizzes with answers:Quiz 1: match the opening lines to the poem.Quiz 2: guess which line of imagery the poem is from.Enjoy :) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
GCSE Literature - A poster with an Unseen Poetry Memonic and plan for Paper 2 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
GCSE Literature - A poster with an Unseen Poetry Memonic and plan for Paper 2 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
A guided reading and analysis sheet which explores the introduction of The Cratchit Family in 'A Christmas Carol'. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
I just spent over an hour going through the play and making this, so hopefully it also helps someone else :) and saves you an hour! VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Print on A3.This sheet helps students revise the themes and main characters in A Christmas Carol. For characters, students need to give an overview of the character and then find five character quotes... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
Suggested exemplar AQA Jun 18 Macbeth essay. Feedback welcome. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Used to help a student catch up, so only has key quotations from each scene and key questions. There's also a summary of each scene as well. Might be useful as a starting point for a scheme of work or... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Used to help a student catch up, so only has key quotations from each scene and key questions. There's also a summary of each scene as well. Might be useful as a starting point for a scheme of work or... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
Memes on An Inspector Calls- can be used for display or with students. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Jekyll and Hyde Memes to use for display or with students. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Memes for Macbeth- for display or use with students. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Freely accessible audio recordings of GCSE poetry for all Edexcel clusters (including IGCSE) by ex-BBC Broadcaster. Useful to help students embed sound, rhythm, vocabulary and quotations. Click on the... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Plot summary of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
There are many variations of this type of resource, but this one promotes the importance of the elusive AO4. It can be argued that AO4 is at the heart of a successful essay, although it awards the lea... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Paper 2, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
Revision: ppt showing how each question addresses the AOs - Papers 1 and 2 Lit VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
Macbeth key quote booklet in Act/Scene order with brief analysis/explanation. This has been adapted from free resources. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Key quotes in stave order with brief analysis/explanation. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Using a variety of sources, I have created a knowledge organiser for each of the poems to support with revision. You are welcome to use them or edit them to suit your own needs.**I haven't finished Ti... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
I have created a character summary sheet for each character to help support students with revision. These are aimed at higher ability students and include key vocabulary and writer's intentions. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Students can complete their own short summary of 'Macbeth' here. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Schemes of Work
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies, Shakespeare, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
A walk through of how to write a top grade essay. I can't take credit for the mark scheme annotations or the essay chain. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
This table helps track how the relationship develops throughout the novel. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Eduqas: Death of Naturalist. A lesson to introduce the poem with a writing exercise and success criteria. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: WJEC, Eduqas
May be helpful for students to gather their thoughts. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: WJEC, Eduqas
A highly embellished PPT covering relevant aspects of context compiled from several online resources. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
A Thinking and Linking grid on An Inspector Calls I have made, based on Stuart Pryke's Macbeth version. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Worksheets for each ghost and what they teach Scrooge VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
An A3 sheet for revision/ track Scrooge's transformation VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, WJEC, Eduqas
REUPLOADED (The last time I uploaded this it didn't open and I thought I deleted it but it stills shows up.)Guidance sheets I have put together for my year 11s to remind them what they are expected to... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
Revision worksheets for the 15 Power and Conflict poems; they act as a summary for each poem with activities for each poem's key ideas. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
These PPTs comprising key extracts from the text, can be used for whole class discussion and analysis, as well as independent revision. Individual slides can be used for starters or homework. There is... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
6 comprehension books and answers.Book 1 - social and historical context. Books 2-6 are based on each stave. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
First few lessons I put together based on the principles in Stuart Pryke and Amy Staniforth's wonderful book, Ready to Teach: Macbeth. Act 1 Scenes 1-3 covered here. Good for introducing the text for... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Plays, Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A lesson I have taught at the end of a poetry module in the final term. Great for cultural capital and promoting sensitivity regarding black history. Students find it very engaging. It's also nice to... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Used this with my KS4 groups. The idea is to instill the principles of responding to Literature questions using the conceit of 'building a case' to push them to developing a clear idea/concept. This s... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Paper 1, Paper 2, Set Exam Texts (Novels), Shakespeare, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Student and teacher question sheet for watching through the 2018 BBC adaptation of An Inspector Calls. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
detailed comprehension questions and answers for each act.I would love to take credit for these resources, but they were created by an old friend of mine who has since retired. They are brilliant and... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, Eduqas
Act summaries with a gap fill exercise, dual coding and a key quotations section.Ideal for cold reads, lower abilities or revision. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas, City and Guilds
A walkthrough worksheet to support students reading AIC for the first time. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Simple dual coded bunting with the names of the poems and an image to represent each one. I have these printed and laminated then hung on a piece of string in my classroom! :) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A word document which is to be used when listening to the audiobook / reading as a class. Questions to answer about key quotations, fill in the blanks, complete diagrams of the dining table etc. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
Unseen Poetry Worksheet on Piccadilly Line poem by Carole Satyamurti. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
I took the format of this quiz from something that I found online but the questions were designed by my year 11 class.How to play: Split the class into two teams.Quickly draw up this grid on the white... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Not in a lesson format at such but this PPT has lots of Do Now Activities and goes over the whole plot of Macbeth with fill in the missing blanks sheets, there are also slides with the answers on.&nbs... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
More information/revision really than a teaching resource but it gives all the necessary context for Macbeth and relates it to the play with a couple of exam tips at the end. I teach the EDEXCEL sylla... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
This resources is effectively a cold read/viewing of the film with comprehension tasks that go stave by stave. It works particularly well with EAL learners and is a good introduction to the story, cha... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
A knowledge organiser with 10 key quotes for both Macbeth and A Christmas Carol with brief context, device/method used and themes covered. Suitable for low/mid ability students who are struggling... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Edexcel style exam paper on Conflict and Unseen Poetry. Has easy teacher marking attached. Teacher simply highlights the relevant target, level and grade. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
A Christmas Carol/Jekyll and Hyde year 10 exam with easy teacher assessment attached should help to reduce teacher marking but also provides students with targets. Teacher just needs to highlight the... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
Pearson Edexcel Unseen Poetry resource based on the poems Blackberry Picking and Nettles. Gives an intro to the exam criteria, marks, timings and AOs. There is also a peer assessment marking grid cont... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2, Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
Past questions for AQA Literature exams VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
A quick Do Now asking students which part of the play each meme refers to. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A quick Do Now asking students which part of the play the memes refer to. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A quick Do Now asking which parts of Macbeth the memes refer to. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A quick Do Now asking students which parts of the text the memes relate to. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
A quick Do Now/starter task asking students to identify the poem from the meme. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A double sided sheet posing 12 exam questions linked to Power and Conflict from AQA, asking students to consider what they would do should that be their questions. Aims to get students really thinking... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A simple activity designed to allow pupils to see the similarities between Ozymandias and King George III in order for them to see the poem as a criticism. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A lesson designed for pupils that have already studied both poems separately but are now wanting to prepare for exams by practising comparing poems. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
Students map out Eva's relationships with the other characters by summarising what happens between the two characters and supporting this with a quote. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
This sheet is to have students plot the important events for the main characters. It is a good summary sheet for students to look back on for quick revision. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
An A3 sheet using a simplified version (includes embedded quotes) of the poem to support students in their exploration. It includes some context and two quotes that students can analyse in detail. My... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
An A3 sheet including a simplified version of the poem, to be used alongside the original. My LOE students engaged with this format well. Feedback welcome :) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
An A3 sheet including a simplified version (written as a newspaper report) and two quotations for students to analyse. My LOE students are engaging really well with this format. Feedback welcome :) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
An A3 sheet containing a simplified version of the poem, to be used alongside the original. My LOE students have engaged well with this format. Feedback welcome :) VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Key content quiz covering a range of topics from AIC, Macbeth, L+R poetry, all AQA.Could be useful for starters, or a one off session. Marking sheet included. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
An A3 sheet with a simplified version of the poem to be used alongside the original. The idea of Rich Tea Biscuit was that it's a simple biscuit that hits the spot without being overly complicated! Th... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
AQA Love and Relationship poetry anthology Test and Fold.Simply do test 1, then fold it back so that you can do Test 2, etc. You might want to start with recalling the poem, then move on to... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A quiz I made for my year 11s to revise the Edexcel Conflict poems. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
Guidance sheets I have put together for my year 11s to remind them what they are expected to do for each section/question in the literature papers.Texts I have made these for are: Macbeth, Jekyll and... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
A PPT to annotate and plan a response to Part A. Includes a sheet of sentence starters for a scaffolded response. Can be used for KS3 or KS4 as the poem is fairly accessible. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A PPT to explore the annotation and planning process for a response to Part A. Also includes a handout with some sentence starters to aid scaffolding a response. Can be used for KS3 or KS4 as the poem... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
This is a power point containing 32 questions and answers to revise Macbeth that I have made for my year 11s. (The power point goes through all 32 questions first and then it goes through all 32 answe... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
A PPT to support and encourage discussion and analysis of Chapter One. Can be used for whole class, group, or independent work. Includes relevant context links. Can also be assigned for homework. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
4 lessons for Macbeth Revision. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, Eduqas
4 lessons for AIC revision. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Schemes of Work
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
Easy to navigate knowledge organiser. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
Revision lessons for ACC. Complete lessons ready to teach. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Schemes of Work
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL
Essay graded 29 out of 30 in summer 2022 exam VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Exemplar Material
Exam/Board: AQA
Jekyll and Hyde revision worksheets for each chapter. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Revision lesson with high-ability Year 11. Focused on analysis of writer's intention and included an exam practice question (24 marks) for AQA Literature Paper 2, Section C.Worksheet uploaded separate... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
This will be used for Set 2, Year 11 revision of Unseen Poetry. The worksheet is centred around the poem Catrin, however the analysis question frame can be adapted for any unseen poem. It u... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Exam/Board: AQA
More of the same... 5 minute activities all structured in the same way using What How Why as a framework. Designed to help develop confidence in analysing language skills. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
5 minute activities all structured in the same way using What How Why as a frame work. Designed to help develop confidence in analysing language. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Unseen Poetry
Originally put together as a fun pre-Christmas recap of the play and chance to revise key concepts. At this point in scheme of work the play isn't complete, so it doesn't cover the ending. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Originally developed as last week of term/ pre-mock "fun" lesson. Students really enjoyed and was fantastic for revising key quotations! VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
This lesson resources was originally created for a middle-ability Year 9 class. I have added stretch questions to challenge the more able learners, plus extension activities and key context. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Set Exam Texts (Novels)
Exam/Board: AQA
My scheme that I have done so far- not all my work. Amalgamated from various resources online. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
My scheme that I have done so far- not all my work. Amalgamated from various resources online. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Lit What How Why questions to help kids develop their answers. I have them laminated on the wall. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Assessment Materials
Exam/Board: AQA
Historical context sheets for the war cluster poems on the Eduqas specification. I teach these chronologically so the students can understand how the transformative power of war has shaped and influen... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: Eduqas
Retrieval tasks after completion of studying the anthology VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Just the beginning couple of slides for a lesson introducing what, how, why paragraphs. There is a grid with question prompts to help show how they can begin their paragraphs with a different focus. O... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature, Poetry Anthologies, Set Exam Texts (Novels), Unseen Poetry, Writing
Exam/Board: AQA
Full play text of Macbeth in Russian.This version has been checked by my Ukranian students, all of whom speak and read Russian as well as Ukranian.Please note that I am not a Russian speaker, so I hav... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
ACC translated to Ukrainian using Word translate. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
AIC full text translated in to Ukrainian using Word translate. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: AQA
Full Macbeth text translated to Ukrainian using Word Translate. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A4 pages linking English texts to places in the world. They are specific to the books done at my school although I suspect many will have at least some similar. Done with Adobe Spark. The idea is to p... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Wall Displays
Exam/Board: AQA
Lesson's for the first 6 chapters of Animal Farm, some include resources and lesson plans. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Schemes of Work
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
A display for using when getting pupils to write about anything text related. All sized and coloured ready to print off. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Wall Displays
Ready to print in the right size for a display board. Useful to use for retrieval when teaching. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Wall Displays
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
A Lesson on the Poem Catrin from the Edexcel cluster on Conflict. Has context, language, structure analysis and essay writing guidance along with Self-assessment. Probably three lesson's worth of work... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: EDEXCEL
Used to introduce low to mid ability students to poetry for the first time and includes Remains, Bayonet Charge, Exposure, Charge of the Light Brigade and War Photographer from the Power and Conflict... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
A set of key quotations grouped by Act. Intended for familiarisation with the plot, teaching or revision. Not every scene is covered so you could add to it. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A few questions I've made up. Do check them beforehand as they may need tweaking or changing. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
A revision workshop using the key scenes from the play with a blank booklet for students to fill in as you work through the slides. The booklet contains crosswords and scene summaries. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
Keystone vocab resources, based on Alex Quigley's 'Closing the Vocabulary Gap' ideas. Can be used in classroom display or as part of lessons. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Wall Displays
Exam/Board: AQA
15 posters created with Adobe Spark with key quotations in an attempt to make my classroom more SEND friendly. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
I lesson that compares Remains to War photographer with differentiated planning table. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
Exam/Board: AQA
Recommended reads VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1, Paper 2
A set of three key quotes per main character along with some additional key quotes. Each quote has some analysis and consideration of effects to support revision. I have underlined any write... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 2
Exam/Board: AQA
A set of three key quotes per main character along with some additional key quotes. Each quote has some analysis and consideration of effects to support revision. I have underlined any writer's m... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA
General revision lesson covering plot, characters, themes and context in the play. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Revision lesson focussing on the character of Malcolm and the theme of Kingship. The lesson also discusses how students can add 'flair' at GCSE. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
A revision lesson discussing the Gothic genre and other literary influences on Stevenson. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Revision lesson discussing Victorian Society and its influence on Stevenson and his novel. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Link to a video and questions to be answered as an introduction to context within ACC VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Paper 1
Exam/Board: AQA, City and Guilds
An exploration of Sonnet 130 VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Poetry Anthologies
A low stakes quiz on quotations up to the end of Act 1 Scene 4. Some more challenging questions included to revise techniques and significance of quotations. I will try to upload more of these quizzes... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
Hot air balloon task with key scenes in R&J.Students need to summarise the scene and then justify which one could be 'thrown overboard' and why it's inconsequential to the play. Students discuss w... VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas
A low stakes multiple choice quiz on Macbeth context. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Shakespeare
Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, WJEC, Eduqas
Language and Literature skills aimed at mid to low ability students. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: Schemes of Work
Exam/Board: AQA
A collection of resources to teach War of the Worlds. Originally done for WJEC/Eduqas GCSE English Literature. VIEW
Level: Key Stage 4
Course: GCSE Literature
Unit: 19th Century Literature
Exam/Board: WJEC, Eduqas