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AQA A Level English Language - Paper 1 Question 4 - CLD - Nov 21 - AO1 11 + AO2 13 = 24 Marks MODEL

AQA A Level English Language Model AnswerNovember 2021AO1-11 marksAO2-13 marks24 Marks VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 1: Language, the individual and society

Topics: Children’s language development

Exam/Board: AQA

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Child Language Acquisition Transcript and essay opening

This is a transcribed conversation between my sister and her son, Isaac. I used it alongside the linked video of him with my year 12 class as part of their Spoken Language Acquisition learning. Video... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 1: Language, the individual and society

Topics: Children’s language development

Exam/Board: AQA

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Child Language Development data extract analysis table

A table which can be adapted for any data extract - helpful for students to analyse data by using all of the language levels. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 1: Language, the individual and society

Topics: Children’s language development

Exam/Board: AQA

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English Language home learning or revision booklet meanings and representations

A revision booklet on Child Language Development. There are some answers (in red) which would need to be deleted before being given to students. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 1: Language, the individual and society

Topics: Children’s language development

Exam/Board: AQA

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Reading Writing Spelling language acquisition

All my Ppts on Reading, Writing, Spelling language acquisition.  Some of these are quite old as you'll see from the dates so will need to updating. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 1: Language, the individual and society

Topics: Children’s language development

Exam/Board: AQA

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Language Acquisition Intro, CDS and pragmatics

The start of my spoken acquisition unit for A Level Language, looking at the big theories, environmental factors and pragmatics.  More on other language levels to come.  Folder includes a co... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 1: Language, the individual and society

Topics: Children’s language development

Exam/Board: AQA

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AQA Language Paper 1 Children's Language Acquisition Resources & PPTs

Hi Everyone,I hope this helps anyone using the AQA English Language A-level Spec. I have uploaded all of my resources and ppts - they are in ppt order with the resources in a separate folder. These re... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 5

Course: A level lang

Unit: Paper 1: Language, the individual and society

Topics: Children’s language development

Exam/Board: AQA

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