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Heroes and Vilains stand alone Lesson

Based on heroes and vilains. This will need to be slightly edited, but this is a great stand alone lesson or cover. Could be used for years 7-9.  VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

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Pride and Prejudice Chapter One

This lesson is focused on the first chapter on Pride and Prejudice. The starter activity assumes that you have watched the first hour of the 1995 BBC adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. The lesson focu... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

Exam/Board: AQA

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The Woman in Black Scheme of Work

Year 9 study "The Woman in Black" at the start of the year. It forms part of our spiral curriculum because it helps to build students' knowledge of Victorian (style) ghost stories, thereby preparing... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Novels

Exam/Board: AQA

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The Signalman - 16 page booklet - full text with glossary and pictures - KS3

A 16 page booklet of the full text of The Signalman, with glossary and pictures. Aimed at KS3 students. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

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Gothic Lit Year 7 SOW

A short SOW for year 7.Lessons and extracts based on 'The Tell-Tale Heart', 'Frankenstein', 'The Raven' and 'Dracula'. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Reading, Vocabulary, Writing

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 485 times.
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Book Look Mark Sheets

There is a blank Book Look sheet and a completed one in the folder. Before starting marking have the blank Book Look sheet in front of you and the work, if this is in book form, then ask students to l... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Novels, Poetry, Reading, SPAG Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar, Writing

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Book Look Mark Sheets

There is a blank Book Look sheet and a completed one in the folder. Before starting marking have the blank Book Look sheet in front of you and the work, if this is in book form, then ask students to l... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Novels, Poetry, Reading, SPAG Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar, Writing

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Dracula Knowledge Organiser

A KO for our new Dracula scheme for year 9 including: plot summary, key characterisation terminology, a list of explicitly taught Tier 2 and 3 vocabulary, a definition of Gothic Literature and guide t... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Novels, Reading, Writing

Exam/Board: AQA

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Gothic Literature

Covering Dracula, Frankenstein, Jekyll and Hyde and Jack the Ripper.  Used with KS3 to develop creative writing, subordinate clauses, analysis and familiarisation with 19th Century writing. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

Exam/Board: AQA

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Capital punishment in Oliver Twist

A lesson on capital punishment in Oliver Twist. Features a real life case and requires students to formulate arguments then write these up in the form of a letter.  VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Plays

Exam/Board: AQA

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Murders in the Rue Morgue- Crime Fiction


Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Reading, Writing

Exam/Board: AQA

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Penny Dreadfuls - Gothic Literature

A couple of lessons on Penny Dreadfuls as part of a larger focus on Gothic Literature. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

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Great Expectations - Extract analysis

Needs jazzing up as I took out all of the pictures, but the basics are there. Might save someone some time. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Reading

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Sarah Dowie

Gothic Fiction Knowledge Organiser


Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

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Exit Tickets for Lessons

Exit Tickets allow pupils to reflect on their learning at the end of the lesson, thereby removing the need for a teacher-led plenary. Promotes independent and personal thinking skills, and provides fo... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Novels, Plays, Poetry, SPAG Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar, Vocabulary

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A Christmas Carol 50 Questions

I have cobbled together this list of 50 questions for A Christmas Carol from various other resources. There are assessment objective specific questions (although they are not labelled explicitly as th... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Novels

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The Story of an Hour: Linked to Oak National Academy lessons by Stuart Pryke

These are four two hour lessons that we originally used in lockdown but are now being used by our exclusion room. The powerpoints include a warm up to the fantastic Oak National lessons by Stuart Pryk... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Reading

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Great Expectations using GCSE Lang skills and Lit Theory

A series of lessons using extracts mainly to explore the Lang P1 GCSE skills through the text and apply literary and social theory.  Another teacher completed other book content teaching at the s... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

Exam/Board: AQA

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Gothic Literature

Two lessons starting with the red room in Jane Eyre followed by a lesson on The TellTale Heart using the online text: VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

Exam/Board: AQA

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A Christmas Carol - Introductory Worksheets for working from home: 2


Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

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A Christmas Carol - Introductory Worksheets for working from home: 1


Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

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Romanticism (Year 9)

Romanticism Scheme for Year 9 - pitched to high ability but can be differentiated down with ease...set of slides more than explained scheme but feel free to contact me on FB for clarity. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

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KS3 Gothic Reading & Writing Booklets

9 Gothic lessons used remotely with Year 7.4 lessons introducing students to Gothic and analysing short extracts5 lessons planning and writing students own Gothic stories. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

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KS3 19th century reading adapted from the AQA reading booklet

A scheme of work with resources, based on the AQA KS3 19th Century reading skills booklet.  I have tried to acknowledge all resources where they are not my own.  Apologies if I have missed a... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

Exam/Board: AQA

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Gothic Literature Scheme of Work


Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Reading, Writing

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Paper 1 lesson - Dracula

Paper 1 focus on extract from  Dracula.  Includes a writing task. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

Exam/Board: EDEXCEL

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Reimagine English, a new publication from Collins Education

Hi there.This resource will publish on 9 July 2020. Please do get in touch if you're interested in knowing more.Kind regardsNatasha Prosser VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

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Detective Fiction Full Scheme

A full 30-lesson, detective fiction scheme of work centred around The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, including: teaching sequence, PowerPoint lessons, homework tasks and all resources.  VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

Exam/Board: AQA

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The Speckled Band SoW Year 7

Basic scheme of work (written many moons ago) for 'The Speckled Band' including worksheets and differentiated resources.  Aimed at mixed ability Year 7 but can be easily adapted to suit. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Novels

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KS3 Speckled Band SOW

This is a ten lesson SOW that we used in Year 7. Some of the lessons are duplicated as teachers differentiated for their groups but I have included them all. We would also do a 200 word challenge on a... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

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KS3 Gothic reading and writing unit

A KS3 Gothic reading and writing unit. A range of gothic extracts are explored from texts including 'Frankenstein', 'Dracula', The Tell-tale Heart', 'Porphyria's lover' etc. Enjoy! VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Reading, SPAG Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar, Vocabulary, Writing

Exam/Board: AQA

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KS3 Gothic reading and writing unit

A KS3 Gothic reading and writing unit. A range of gothic extracts are explored from texts including 'Frankenstein', 'Dracula', The Tell-tale Heart', 'Porphyria's lover' etc. Enjoy! VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Reading, SPAG Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar, Vocabulary, Writing

Exam/Board: AQA

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KS3 Gothic reading and writing unit

A KS3 Gothic reading and writing unit. A range of gothic extracts are explored from texts including 'Frankenstein', 'Dracula', The Tell-tale Heart', 'Porphyria's lover' etc. Enjoy! VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Reading, SPAG Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar, Vocabulary, Writing

Exam/Board: AQA

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KS3 Gothic reading and writing unit

A KS3 Gothic reading and writing unit. A range of gothic extracts are explored from texts including 'Frankenstein', 'Dracula', The Tell-tale Heart', 'Porphyria's lover' etc. Enjoy! VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Reading, SPAG Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar, Vocabulary, Writing

Exam/Board: AQA

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A Christmas Carol Full SoL

A full scheme, complete with resources for a half term unit to teach ACC to Yr9/low ability Y10 VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Homework, Novels, Reading, SPAG Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar, Speaking and Listening, Vocabulary, Whole School Literacy, Writing

Exam/Board: AQA

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Gothic SoW

Full Scheme - suitable for low ability KS3. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Homework, Novels, Poetry, Reading, SPAG Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar, Vocabulary, Whole School Literacy, Writing

Exam/Board: AQA

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Tiered Starter/Settler blank slides

A series of tiered or differentiated blank slides for starter or settler tasks. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Homework, Novels, Plays, Poetry, Reading, SPAG Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar, Speaking and Listening, Vocabulary, Whole School Literacy, Writing

Exam/Board: AQA

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Feedback Sheet

A sheet I use to help prompt meaningful feedback and peer-marking. I laminate and place on desks, 1 between 2.  VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Homework, Novels, Plays, Poetry, Reading, SPAG Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar, Speaking and Listening, Vocabulary, Whole School Literacy, Writing

Exam/Board: AQA

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PLC target grade sheets

Individually highlighted target grade PLC sheets for grades 3-7.  VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Homework, Poetry, Reading, SPAG Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar, Speaking and Listening, Vocabulary, Writing

Exam/Board: AQA

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Year 7 Crime Unit


Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Reading, Writing

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Modern female explorers - P2Q4

This lesson links to the 19th century Nellie Bly lesson uploaded earlier (31st March 2020). It introduces KS3 students to comparison skills using what how why to compare viewpoints and perspectives of... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Reading, Writing

Exam/Board: AQA

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Victorian female explorers - non-fiction KS3

A powerpoint asking year 7 to analyse an extract from Nellie Bly's autobiographical account of her trip to circumnavigate the world in the early 20th century. This uses the how what why format in a ba... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Reading

Exam/Board: AQA

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A Christmas Carol blank timeline with prompting questions

A blank stave timeline with prompting questions for students to complete VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: 19th Century Literature

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19th century Literature and women critical quotes

I've used this as a resource to dip into when teaching 19th century literature to Year 8. It contains some challenge ideas, as well as quotes taking from several (named) sources.  VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

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Interpreting imagery - Banksy and the Victorians

This is a very straightforward powerpoint that looks at Banksy's latest Christmas mural and gets students to think about imagery and art. I have then used some Victorian Christmas cards (because... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Speaking and Listening

Exam/Board: AQA

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Victorian Context Dickens BT advert

Based on Victorian context and persuasive language.Students to watch the BT ad with Tale of Two Cities in it, then plan their own ad using Victorian literature (can provide extracts - but mine use the... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, WJEC, Eduqas

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Feminism (2) and Great Expectations: Task Sheet

The task sheet for the activities on the Feminism (2) Ppt.  Designed for top set group but with scaffolding for students to choose level of support.Essay title: ‘In Great Expectations, Dickens... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

Exam/Board: AQA

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Feminism (2) applied to Great Expectations

Second of two lessons on GE and feminism.  This to prepare students to write an essay on gender and the text.  I'll upload the task sheet, which summarises the Ppt activities, as a separate... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

Exam/Board: AQA

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Feminism (1) Great Expectations

An introductory lesson on feminism to allow students to apply to Great Expectations in subsequent lessons.  You'll need wrapped sweets and post-its.  Produced for a top set to prepare for GC... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

Exam/Board: AQA

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Marxism and Great Expectations (2) Applying P1 Q4 Lang skills

To go with the Marxism theory lesson.  This applies more closely to the book.  Designed for Yr9 top set but can be adapted for A Christmas Carol for GCSE VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

Exam/Board: AQA

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Marxism and Great Expectations (1) The Theory

Quite a practical lesson, which involves students mocking up a means of production and oppression factory situation.  The Lesson 2 applies more closely to Great Expectations.You'll need sweets fo... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

Exam/Board: AQA

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Animals in Literature - KS3 Unit

3 week SOW for Y8 students on Animals in Literature covering anthropomorphism and extracts from a range of 19th and 20th Century Literature.Slideshow, Resource Booklet and Planning Overview.  VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Novels, Reading, Vocabulary

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Response Writing Ladder

A writing support frame to help students properly analyse language techniques. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Novels, Plays, Poetry, Reading, Writing

Exam/Board: AQA

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Great Expectations and skills for Paper 1 Q4

Taught to Yr9 top set, followed by a write up assessment.  Simplified form of the GCSE AQA Paper 1 Q4 VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

Exam/Board: AQA

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Gothic Homework Booklet

Gothic Homework Booklet. Lasts 3 weeks. Suitable for KS3 VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

Exam/Board: AQA

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Cover lesson writing a description Yr9 Victorian Scene

I set as a cover lesson to be taught in conjunction with 'Great Expectations' but would work as an assessment and with any Victorian (urban) novel. For Y9 but can be adapted VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Writing

Exam/Board: AQA

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Alice in Wonderland-teaching explicit and implicit understanding within a text


Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Novels

Exam/Board: AQA

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Half termly planning sheet

A sheet I use at the start of a half term to organise my planning of a topic.  VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Novels, Plays, Poetry, Reading, Vocabulary, Writing

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Frankenstein Booklet Year 7

A booklet scheme of work for Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

Exam/Board: AQA

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Oliver Twist SoW

Uses the real reads abridged version. Writing assessment.  VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

Exam/Board: AQA

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The Monkey's Paw - reading and writing tasks

A PPT with links to online reading and adaption of the Monkey's Paw. Students look at how the story has been crafted and then write their own backstory about the origin of the paw. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

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The Tell Tale Heart

A variety of activities based on Poe's 'The Tell-tale Heart' VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

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Target and Task Marking Feedback WWW and EBI Sheets

Marking and feedback sheets for all skills. Printable tick sheets which can be either printed for LA or displayed for HA. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Novels, Plays, Poetry, Reading, SPAG Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar, Writing

Exam/Board: AQA

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Mary Barton Extract

An extract from Mary Barton by Elizabeth Gaskell. Great for providing 19th century social context.  VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

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KS3 SOW on To Kill a Mockingbird

SOW for To Kill a Mockingbird aimed at Yr8 students. Mostly just bit and pieces pick pocketed from all over - hope it is of some help.   VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Novels, Reading

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The Black Cat by Poe

KS3 Gothic (not for the light hearted) SOW on The Black Cat. Exceptionally creepy for Halloween. The boys love it! VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature

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Gothic Genre Word Bank

A selection of words (split into word classes and sub-sections) related to the Gothic genre. Supports pupils with extended their vocabulary, choosing precise language, and demonstrating correct sp... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, SPAG Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar, Vocabulary, Writing

Exam/Board: AQA

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Year 7 Oliver Twist Text + Tasks Workbook

Abridged version of the text with tasks following each chapter. Please use/edit etc. Suitable for Year 7/8.  VIEW

Level: Key Stage 3

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Novels, Reading

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Advance analysis phrases

A series of sophisticated phrases useful for literature analysis. I have saved this to my desktop and just change the question each time I use it. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Poetry, 19th Century Literature, Poetry Anthologies, Shakespeare, Unseen Poetry

Exam/Board: AQA

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