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An Inspector Calls Equality essay

Essay graded 29 out of 30 in summer 2022 exam VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: Exemplar Material

Exam/Board: AQA

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Mr Birling Exemplar (not a full response)

A Mr Birling model that I wrote for a feedback lesson. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: Exemplar Material

Exam/Board: AQA

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The Crucible: Abigail Williams Character Analysis

A full lesson on the portrayal of Abigail Williams in The Crucible, delivered as part of the CIE IGCSE Literature in English course. Includes starter tasks, model answer (partial), and creative writin... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: Exemplar Material

Exam/Board: IGCSE

Downloaded: 82 times.
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Unseen Practice questions plus 8 mark comparison exemplar


Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: Exemplar Material, Unseen Poetry

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 548 times.
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Macbeth- Is that a dagger- extract plus exemplar

Macbeth q based on 'Is that a dagger' plus exemplar.   VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: Exemplar Material, Shakespeare

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 692 times.
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Moderated Essay and Creative Writing Booklet

A booklet of 12 AIC and Macbeth essays and 4 pieces of Creative Writing. Many have been moderated across Twitter/Facebook groups and would be brilliant for departmental moderation or used as model ess... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: Exemplar Material

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 1317 times.
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Macbeth sow

A fully resourced set of detailed power points covering all scenes in Macbeth, preparing students for GCSEs. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: Assessment Materials, Exemplar Material, Paper 1, Shakespeare

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 976 times.
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Romeo and Juliet Reflection Sheet for 2019 exam

Reflection sheet created for our students post mocks that includes a 30/30 mark response to the 2019 question VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: Exemplar Material, Paper 1, Shakespeare

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 429 times.
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A Christmas Carol Reflection Sheet for the 2019 exam

Reflection sheet created for our students including a 28/30 mark response to 2019's ACC question VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Exemplar Material, Paper 1

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 529 times.
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26 mark Macbeth question typed response from AQA hub meeting

An AQA marked response to the 2018 Macbeth question on Banquo and Macbeth's attitudes towards the supernatural that was given 26 marks out of 30. I've typed exactly as it was writt... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: Exemplar Material, Paper 1, Shakespeare

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 816 times.
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AQA GCSE English Lit Paper 1 - May 2019 - 29/30 mark response: A Christmas Carol

Level 6 - 29/30 mark - Student exemplar for May 2019 AQA English Literature Paper 1 - Q8 - A Christmas Carol.  Completed in mock exam under normal timed conditions. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Exemplar Material, Paper 1, Set Exam Texts (Novels)

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 989 times.
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Sentence starters help sheet

Sentence starters help sheets for language and literature. The sheets use the acronym SEIZE (statement,evidence, inference, zoom on specific word in depth and effect). As a department we have found th... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Exemplar Material, Paper 1, Paper 2, Writing

Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas

Downloaded: 490 times.
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Moderated scripts Lit P1

AQA moderated Lit P1 scripts, mainly 'Macbeth'. Annotated. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: Assessment Materials, Exemplar Material, Paper 1

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 609 times.
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Mock Preparation- Literature Paper 1 (Macbeth and J&H)

I have used these lessons this week with my Yr10 class in preparation for their mocks. They could however be used with next year's Yr11s just as easily though. I hope they are helpful. Included are:Mo... VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Exemplar Material, Paper 1, Shakespeare

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 550 times.
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Classroom Displays

A display of tier 2 analytical vocabulary (works really well to promote more sophisticated student expression), and some other nice quotations about why reading is great! VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: 19th Century Literature, Assessment Materials, Exemplar Material, Paper 1, Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies, Schemes of Work, Set Exam Texts (Novels), Shakespeare, Unseen Poetry, Wall Displays, Writing

Exam/Board: AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, IGCSE, WJEC, Eduqas

Downloaded: 2783 times.
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AQA GCSE LIT Poetry Comparison Exemplar

Power and Conflict cluster: Storm on the Island and Exposure: the power of nature  VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: Exemplar Material, Paper 2, Poetry Anthologies

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 1195 times.
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GCSE Eduqas English Literature Exam Paper Component 1. Overall awarded Grade 4

GCSE Eduqas English Language Exam Paper Component 1. Overall awarded Grade 4. (Texts were Romeo and Juliet and Poetry Anthology). VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: Exemplar Material, Paper 1

Exam/Board: WJEC

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GCSE Eduqas English Language Exam Paper Component 2. Overall awarded Grade 4

GCSE Eduqas English Language Exam Paper Component 2. Overall awarded Grade 4. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: Exemplar Material, Paper 2

Exam/Board: WJEC

Downloaded: 66 times.
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GCSE Eduqas English Literature Exam Paper Component 1. Overall awarded Grade 5

GCSE Eduqas English Literature Exam Paper Component 1. Overall awarded Grade 5. Chosen texts were Romeo and Juliet and the Poetry Anthology. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: Exemplar Material, Paper 1

Exam/Board: WJEC

Downloaded: 128 times.
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GCSE Eduqas English Language Exam Paper Component 2. Overall awarded Grade 5.

GCSE Eduqas English Language Exam Paper Component 2. Overall awarded Grade 5. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Language

Unit: Exemplar Material, Paper 2, Exemplar Material

Exam/Board: WJEC

Downloaded: 100 times.
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GCSE Eduqas English Literature Exam Paper Component 2. Overall awarded Grade 5.

GCSE Eduqas English Literature Exam Paper Component 2. Overall awarded Grade 5. Chosen texts were Blood Brothers and A Christmas Carol. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: Exemplar Material, Paper 2

Exam/Board: WJEC

Downloaded: 169 times.
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GCSE Eduqas English Literature Exam Paper Component 2. Overall awarded Grade 6.

GCSE Eduqas English Literature Exam Paper Component 2. Overall awarded Grade 6. Chosen texts were Blood Brothers and A Christmas Carol. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: Exemplar Material, Paper 2

Exam/Board: WJEC

Downloaded: 151 times.
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GCSE Eduqas English Literature Exam Paper Component 2. Overall awarded Grade 8.

GCSE Eduqas English Literature Exam Paper Component 2. Overall awarded Grade 8. Chosen texts were Blood Brothers and A Christmas Carol. VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: Exemplar Material, Paper 2

Exam/Board: WJEC

Downloaded: 269 times.
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3 Thesis Statements for Portia in The Merchant of Venice to plan around


Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: Exemplar Material, Shakespeare

Downloaded: 105 times.
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An Inspector Calls Context Revision


Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: Exemplar Material, Paper 1

Exam/Board: AQA

Downloaded: 510 times.
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Power and Conflict Model Answer

A teacher-composed model answer to the question:How do poets present feelings of being powerless in The Prelude by William Wordsworth and one other poem from the anthology? VIEW

Level: Key Stage 4

Course: GCSE Literature

Unit: Exemplar Material, Paper 2, Shakespeare

Exam/Board: AQA

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